View Full Version : Fuses issue on 16f884.... Locked out ??

- 12th May 2017, 12:19
Hi Wonder if anyone can help.... I have locked myself out of 3 x 16f884's I think with fuses in the configuration ??

I am using MPASM.... The fuse details look like this:-

;************************************************* ***************
;* 16F884.INC *
;* *
;* By : Leonard Zerman, Jeff Schmoyer *
;* Notice : Copyright (c) 2009 microEngineering Labs, Inc. *
;* All Rights Reserved *
;* Date : 07/02/09 *
;* Version : 2.60 *
;* Notes : *
;************************************************* ***************
ifdef PM_USED
include 'M16F88x.INC' ; PM header
device pic16F884, intrc_osc_noclkout, wdt_on, mclr_on, lvp_off, protect_off
LIST p = 16F884, r = dec, w = -302
INCLUDE "P16F884.INC" ; MPASM Header
__config _CONFIG2, _WRT_OFF

When I go to reprogram I get :-

Device is data protected! Data memory may be invalid.

Device is code protected! Program memory may be invalid.

Can anybody help ?? Can I clear the protection so I dont loose the chips :-)

Thank you for reading


- 12th May 2017, 17:05
Code protection does not (should not) prevent the device from being erased and when it's erased the code protection bits are erased. Besides, your config says CP_OFF so I would THINK the device is NOT actually code protected.

I see you're using internal oscillator and you have MCLR off, I wonder if this may be related to the issue in the other thread with the bricked 12F675 part (http://www.picbasic.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?t=22559).
Do you need to have MCLR off or can you possibly try another PIC with MCLR on and see if that makes it better?

What programmer are you using?


- 13th May 2017, 09:39
Hi Thank you for reply....

I can turn MCLR on see if makes a difference later .....
But does mean sacrificing an other chip... Got through 5 so far :-)

programmer is a PicKit 2 I think... Not in office at moment ... It is the default one in MPLAB ?


- 13th May 2017, 16:20
Hi Henrik

Programmer is a "Picstart Plus"...... But also does exactly same thing with a "Dataman 48-Pro"

Then turned the MCLR on in the config....programmed up my last 884.... changed some code..... programmed again and now working.

You are a star..... Thank you. Easy for me to change h/w to put a little RC on the reset

But why is this a problem ?????

Thank you again


- 13th May 2017, 17:13
Wow, PICStartPlus, there's a blast from the past, haven't used mine for probably 10 years.

Did you read the other thread I linked to?
The problem occurs when you're using internal MCLR AND internal oscillator. But there's plenty to read on the subject so I won't go into details here.

If you can use external MCLR that's the easiest way to get around the problem, it's not recommended to use R/C network on the MCLR pin, a simple pullup is enough in 99% of the cases.


- 13th May 2017, 20:20
Well thank you Henrik

Yes I have just had a look see at the link .......Have saved it for reference .

Not sure if I can get my 6chips back though.....Be. Good as land fill !!

Thank you again


- 17th May 2017, 20:23
Andy, I keep all my old ICs and components in a jar. When I have enough, I put them in a plastic container (margarine or whatever from recycling bin), and throw in any scrap circuits then take everything to local recycling center. Whenever I get a new dude on the job, I just tell them to process these with televisions and computers.

They can get a surprising amount of gold and other metals back from these garbage parts now.


- 18th May 2017, 14:50
I may just try that :-)
