View Full Version : Activation problem!

- 6th May 2017, 02:48
Hi All!
Just bought and downloaded PBP 3.1. It seems to accept my activation code however it still says it is a trial version!
Any ideas? Do I have to completely uninstall PBP and re-install it for the activation code to take?

Thanks, Ed :confused:

- 7th May 2017, 02:02
No idea here. I have to buy it to try it out.

Edit: did you reboot?


- 8th May 2017, 01:09
Thanks, turned out a new activation code is sent when you buy the upgrade and I was using the wrong code!!!

Dick Ivers
- 8th May 2017, 19:23
Where is there a list of the new features in PBP 3.1? I would like to know if it's worth buying.

- 9th May 2017, 13:23
Best I could find was in the email from MeLabs:

New device libraries support the latest PIC microcontrollers in PBP 3.1. This includes support for PIC18FxxK40, PIC16F183xx, PIC16F188xx PIC16F153xx, PIC16F177x, PIC10F32x devices. Among the features offered in the new devices are Peripheral-Pin-Select (PPS - allows you to specify peripheral-pin locations) and 128K of code space in a 40-pin package. Long awaited in PBP, the 10F320/322 offers a tiny SOT6 package with midrange architecture and 64 bytes of RAM.
