View Full Version : pc programm : eeprom loader

- 9th August 2005, 16:59

i'm looking for a programm on the pc to transfer data into a eeprom. sending some separated bytes to a pic, waiting for ready of write from the pic and so on until the end of the datas. the programm on the pic i can write be myself.
know everyone a solution to buy or do someone share something? so before i start a own solution...

thanks a lot

- 10th August 2005, 17:47
It can be done with Hyperterminal or RealTerm BUT everyone know my slution... Do your own application in VB or else programming language you're confortable with.

If you need any info on VB, i have a great PDF over 1100 pages. Send me your e-mail by PM, i'll send it to you