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View Full Version : How to save a thread

- 9th August 2005, 05:19
Hi pic lovers,
I am new to pic so i do read almost all the posting for source of info and help on my new pic experience.
Many times, i found threads, or subjects which i do not need to use them at the moment, but i found them to be useful for future applications.
I would like to know if it is a way to save a thread on the pc , so i can go back to it later, without going back to forum and search for it.
Thanks for help or support

- 9th August 2005, 11:21
If you have Internet Explorer, the easiest way is to click the FILE Tab, and then SAVE. A html file and a subdirectory will be created in your My Documents folder with the name of the Thread you're sitting in. Not the greatest method for sure, but better than cutting and pasting every posting individually... but if you have nothing better to do...

Some riders...

1. If it's a really long multiple-page thread, it will only apply to the page that you're currently on.

2. You may have to download any post attachments separately, though you can store them in the subdirectory that's been conveniently created for you.

A warning...

If you subsequently DELETE the html File, Windows will assume (rightly or wrongly) that you want to delete the associated subdirectory of the same name. I add that just in case you fill the subdirectory full of priceless goodies and then decide you don't want the main file...

- 29th August 2005, 23:06
Administrators may not like this idea for various reasons, but just an idea... What if every user had some space set aside, like the PM's are, for thread id's to those favorite threads or useful threads that may be handy to revisit someday? Every thread has an ID, would it be useful for users to keep a list of those id's with the thread title within the forum interface? I suppose you could do the same with a simple text document with all of the id's on your own computer and accomplish the same thing. I just think it would be handier in the forum gui.

- 2nd September 2005, 20:53
rhino, nice idea, very difficult for us to impliment!! hacking the forum code to add such a facility is not a 5 min task, though i agree it would be useful.

Personally I use the resources of gmail and i use the forum "thread tools" menu to 1 subscribe to the thread so that i catch any new posts and 2 email the thread to one of my gmail accounts. Gmail then indexes the thread for me so that searching for the information at a later date is much easier ( i make extensive use of the subject line to put a concise description of the thread content into the mail sent to the gmail account.

It works for me and with Gmail giving 2Mb of storage per account i think i have plenty of room.

Try the advanced search facility, it works well.

PM me if you need an invite for a GMail account, i have plenty of invites spare