View Full Version : wondering about slightly off new threads

- 5th November 2016, 02:07
has anyone else noticed that lots of slightly off new threads or old awakenings lately all refer to http://www.kynix.com/Parts for their part descriptions , could this be a good place to avoid or is an attempted backdoor form of advertising ?

- 5th November 2016, 03:35
I have noticed and chose to ignore since the parts could be relevant to someone. Since the post is relevant to the type of work a person would do when using a product like picbasic, it seems harmless even though it could be considered as covert advertising. Others might want to chip in with their views.

- 5th November 2016, 06:58
These slightly off topic, largely random posts are a new form of advertising. Spam?? well not really because they are on topic.

Moderators can delete them if they are deemed to be a nuisance.

I do from time to time, clear out the accounts that are responsible for these posts, but they are difficult to identify.....i dint want to delete legitimate accounts that are posting about general electronics !!!

- 5th November 2016, 07:23
I was more concerned that it may be a scam or phising attempt ,its not a business i'm familiar with .
stealth advertising also makes me doubtful of their bonafides . its a tactic i've not seen here before , it makes me wary

- 6th November 2016, 04:18
best to ignore them. i'll try to delete them and their accounts as they crop up.