View Full Version : Please help configure 16F676

- 24th August 2016, 18:13
I'm using a 16F676. The program was working fine till I changed the hardware to use PORTA.3 as a digital input to recognize a pushbutton. Now as soon as the button is pressed the whole thing locks up and I have to turn the power off to get it to reset.

I know I need to turn MCLRE off. I think I did that, but obviously I did something wrong or I've left something out. Please help me figure out how to use PORTA.3 as a digital input.

FYI, PORTA.1/AN1 and PORTA.2/AN2 are connected to potentiometers and being used as analog inputs.


ADCON1 = %00000000
ANSEL = %00000110
CMCON = %00000111

TRISA = %00001111
TRISC = %00000000

' Set TMR0 to interrupt every 16.384 milliseconds
OPTION_REG = %10000101 ' Set TMR0 configuration and enable PORTB pullups
INTCON = %10100000 ' Enable TMR0 interrupts
On Interrupt Goto tickint

' Hardware connection
' ===================

CS VAR PORTA.5 ' digital potentiometer SPI connection
SCK VAR PORTC.2 ' digital potentiometer SPI connection
SDI VAR PORTC.1 ' digital potentiometer SPI connection
tempobutton var PORTA.0 ' push button 1
tempoLED var PORTC.0 ' push button 1 status LED
trailsbutton var PORTA.3 ' push button 2
trailsLED var PORTC.4 ' push button 2 status LED
mosA var PORTC.5 ' MOSFET switch A
mosB var PORTA.4 ' MOSFET switch B
mosC var PORTC.3 ' MSOFET switch C

- 25th August 2016, 14:32
Just guessing here but the spacing after noclockout might not recognize the ampersand and therefore the mclre_off config. Could it be that easy?