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View Full Version : Single step program checking/simulation using Excel

- 1st August 2016, 07:35
I have bee trying to find a way to single step through PicBasic Pro code " on the bench" without connection to any microcontroller. I have not been able to find anthing that does this.

In desperation I experimented importing the PicBasic uncomplied code into Excel Vbasic and using the adjacent spreadsheet page to display/enter inputs and outputs. A it of fiddling around to set up, but it works.I can single step through PBasic code to comfirm the flow logic of the code before compiling it as normal.

Is anyone intereseted in an explanation and discussion on doing this?

- 1st August 2016, 07:56
Seems interesting. Why not?

And if it is solid, we can put it in the Wiki then.
