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- 24th June 2016, 10:08
I having issues in connecting a small oled display purchesed from Adafruit. All the example they have are based on arduino library! The two example code I found in this forum do not work. It is a whole week I am trying to have this little thing to work without any luck. So I decided to check wich is the true address of the device I am wrking on (documentation I found says $3c; $3d ; $78 ; $7A and more) I did check all of them without any luck.
The code below is supposed to be an I2C address scanner but I am lost on how to detect the ACKNOWLEDGMENT of the device any suggestion or advice?

;----[16F88 Hardware Configuration]---------------------------------------------
#IF __PROCESSOR__ = "16F88"
cfg1 = _INTRC_IO ; INTRC oscillator; port I/O function on both RA6/OSC2/CLKO pin and RA7/OSC1/CLKI pin
cfg1&= _WDT_OFF ; WDT disabled
cfg1&= _PWRTE_OFF ; PWRT disabled
cfg1&= _MCLR_ON ; RA5/MCLR/VPP pin function is MCLR
cfg1&= _BODEN_OFF ; BOR disabled
cfg1&= _LVP_OFF ; RB3 is digital I/O, HV on MCLR must be used for programming
cfg1&= _CPD_OFF ; Code protection off
cfg1&= _WRT_PROTECT_OFF ; Write protection off
cfg1&= _DEBUG_OFF ; In-Circuit Debugger disabled, RB6 and RB7 are general purpose I/O pins
cfg1&= _CCP1_RB0 ; CCP1 function on RB0
cfg1&= _CP_OFF ; Code protection off

cfg2 = _FCMEN_ON ; Fail-Safe Clock Monitor enabled
cfg2&= _IESO_ON ; Internal External Switchover mode enabled



;----[Verify Configs have been specified for Selected Processor]----------------
; Note: Only include this routine once, after all #CONFIG blocks
#ERROR "No CONFIGs found for [" + __PROCESSOR__ +"]"
LED var PortB.3

I2C_Dev var byte
SCL var PortA.3 ' I2C Clock PortA.3
SDA var PortA.2 ' I2C Data PortA.2

False con 0
True con 1

Flag_ack var bit
DC var byte
say var byte

DEFINE HSER_RCSTA 90h ' En. s.port & cont receive
DEFINE HSER_TXSTA 20h ' Enable transmit, BRGH = 1
DEFINE HSER_SPBRG 12 ' 9600 Baud @ 32MHz, 0,16%
DEFINE HSER_CLROERR 1 ' Clear overflow automatically
'================================================= =============================

Hserout ["System ready"]

For I = 1 to 10
Led = !Led
pause 100
next I

hserout ["Address scannining in progress..."]

for I = $08 to $77 step 2
I2CWrite SDA,SCL,I2C_Dev,[DC]
If Flag_Ack = true then say = I
pause 2000
Led = !Led
Next I

hserout ["Address found = ",dec say]


Thank you for the attention


- 24th June 2016, 12:41
hserout ["Address scannining in progress..."]

for I = $08 to $77 step 2
I2CWrite SDA,SCL,I2C_Dev,[DC] ;Address scannining in progress.. yet you never change the address,, DC is used but never initialised
If Flag_Ack = true then say = I ; how would Flag_Ack ever change
pause 2000
Led = !Led
Next I

hserout ["Address found = ",dec say]

internal pbp regbit FLAGS.5 may act like you want Flag_Ack to , but its undocumented and may not be totally reliable

try this

hserout ["Address scannining in progress..."]
for I = $02 to $fe step 2
I2CWrite SDA,I,[DC],nak
hserout ["Address found = ",hex2 I ,13,10]
Next I

- 24th June 2016, 16:02
Thank you Richard for the preciuos suggestions! the program now works, tested with a working device, while is giving "Address not found!" with the oled display. At least now I know that the display is faulty and I have to order a couple of new ones if I want to finish my project.

I post the final working code for other that fighting with I2C divices could find it useful.

;----[16F88 Hardware Configuration]---------------------------------------------
#IF __PROCESSOR__ = "16F88"
cfg1 = _INTRC_IO ; INTRC oscillator; port I/O function on both RA6/OSC2/CLKO pin and RA7/OSC1/CLKI pin
cfg1&= _WDT_OFF ; WDT disabled
cfg1&= _PWRTE_OFF ; PWRT disabled
cfg1&= _MCLR_ON ; RA5/MCLR/VPP pin function is MCLR
cfg1&= _BODEN_OFF ; BOR disabled
cfg1&= _LVP_OFF ; RB3 is digital I/O, HV on MCLR must be used for programming
cfg1&= _CPD_OFF ; Code protection off
cfg1&= _WRT_PROTECT_OFF ; Write protection off
cfg1&= _DEBUG_OFF ; In-Circuit Debugger disabled, RB6 and RB7 are general purpose I/O pins
cfg1&= _CCP1_RB0 ; CCP1 function on RB0
cfg1&= _CP_OFF ; Code protection off

cfg2 = _FCMEN_ON ; Fail-Safe Clock Monitor enabled
cfg2&= _IESO_ON ; Internal External Switchover mode enabled



;----[Verify Configs have been specified for Selected Processor]----------------
; Note: Only include this routine once, after all #CONFIG blocks
#ERROR "No CONFIGs found for [" + __PROCESSOR__ +"]"

DEFINE OSC 8 ' define fosc
define I2C_HOLD 1 ' define I2C type

TrisB = %00000100 ' Set all port B pins as outputs
TrisA = %00001100 ' Set portA.2 & portA.3 as inputs
CMCON = 7 ' Turn Off Comparators
ADCON1 = 7 ' Disable A/D converter
ANSEL = %00000000 ' set all analog pins to digital
OSCCON = %01110000 ' Set PIC16F88 to 8 MHz = %01110000

LED var PortB.3

I2C_Dev var byte
SCL var PortA.3 ' I2C Clock PortA.3
SDA var PortA.2 ' I2C Data PortA.2

False con 0
True con 1

Flag_ack var bit
DC var byte
say var byte

DEFINE HSER_RCSTA 90h ' En. s.port & cont receive
DEFINE HSER_TXSTA 20h ' Enable transmit, BRGH = 1
DEFINE HSER_SPBRG 12 ' 9600 Baud @ 32MHz, 0,16%
DEFINE HSER_CLROERR 1 ' Clear overflow automatically
'================================================= =============================
Pause 10
Hserout [13,10]
pause 10
Hserout ["System ready",13,10]

For I = 1 to 10
Led = !Led
pause 100
next I

DC = 0
Flag_ack = false

hserout ["Address scannining in progress...",13,10]

for I = $08 to $77 step 2
hserout ["Address found = ",hex2 I]
Flag_Ack = true
pause 1000
Led = !Led
Next I

If Flag_ack = false then hserout ["Address not found!",13,10]

hserout ["Address scannining completed!",13,10]

Led = False

- 26th June 2016, 19:02
I discover that $77 doesn't cover all devices addresses, since the scanning was unable to detect the address of a PCF8583, so exstending the scanning to $AA I got the address of this clock/calendar device.

for I = $08 to $AA step 2
