View Full Version : HEF (High Endurance Flash) What to do?

- 2nd March 2016, 06:56
Some new pics have HEF instead of EEPROM. I realised it when i am working with 16F1503. I've changed my microcontroller which has EEPROM. Now, i'm wondering about is there anyone who used HEF with pic basic. Thanks..

- 2nd March 2016, 11:43
the chip is supported by pbp3 , does readcode/writecode not work ?
I have not used a 16f1503 and I don't have one to play with

- 2nd March 2016, 12:02
the chip is supported by pbp3 , does readcode/writecode not work ?
I have not used a 16f1503 and I don't have one to play with

I hadn't enough time for project, i've changed pic to 16F1824 same pin count and has EEPROM. In data sheet says HEF memory address range $0780 - $07FF. I don't know readcode/writecode works for this issue.

- 3rd June 2016, 00:58
Anybody find a way to use HEF in picbasic? I'm using a 16f1508 and want to store a value in eeprom when power is shut off to the pic.

- 3rd June 2016, 18:10
Anybody figure out how to read and write to the HEF yet? I'm using a 16f1508 and just want to store a number and read it every time it powers up. The number will update and be written to NV ram during the program execution. Thanks!

- 6th June 2016, 06:23
Did anyone ever figure out how to use the HEF with picbasic?? I'm using a 16f1508 and need to store some numbers in flash each time the program runs so it can read them on power up. Please let me know if anyone can point me in the right direction. Thanks!

- 6th June 2016, 06:25
Some new pics have HEF instead of EEPROM. I realised it when i am working with 16F1503. I've changed my microcontroller which has EEPROM. Now, i'm wondering about is there anyone who used HEF with pic basic. Thanks..

Anyone figure this out??