View Full Version : MicroCode Loader connection problem

- 14th July 2005, 14:20

I am using MicroCode Studio PicBasic Pro 2.46 and I designed MCLoader hardware. I pluged this device to my computer's serial port. But when I compile and program my source code for 16F628 I have a problem with conneciton which is " Reset Required, please reset the target microcontroller in order to access to the bootloader process... ". I controled all connections but I didn't find any problems. What can be the problem? If you have any ideas I am waiting for them.


- 14th July 2005, 14:54

the 16F628 doesn't have "self-programming" capability,
so it can't be programmed using the MicroCode Loader.
(See Manual and List of supported Devices)

Use ICSP instead