View Full Version : 2 interupts - portb.0 rising and falling edges

- 8th July 2005, 01:50
pic 16f73


is it possible to switch between rising and falling edges interupt. both within the same loop


if risingedge then mysub

if falling edge then mysub

goto loop

if i try

OPTION_REG.6 = 1 ' rising edge
INTCON.4 = 1 'enable int <--not sure if necessry
INTCON.1 = 0 ' reset the interruptflag


'OPTION_REG.6 = 1 'rising edge
'INTCON.1 = 0 ' reset the interruptflag

INTCON.1 = 0 ' reset the interruptflag
gosub fire

'OPTION_REG.6 = 0 ' falling edge
'INTCON.1 = 0 ' reset the interruptflag

INTCON.1 = 0 ' reset the interruptflag
gosub fire

goto loop

it wont work

- 8th July 2005, 07:46
It would be better to use RB4, 5, 6 or 7, theese pins have the "interrupt on change" feature. That means it will interrupt every time your pin changes state. If you need to know if it were a high-to-low or low-to-high transition, you need to manually check that in your ISR.

- 8th July 2005, 08:37
that is exactly what i need. an " interupt on change" but HAVE to use portb.0. can you think if any other way?

- 8th July 2005, 09:04
If you're just going to be sitting in a loop waiting for an interrupt to happen, you might as well poll the state of your input pin. Your code is flawed. I see no ON INTERRUPT statement, no RESUME and no logical path to follow. But if you simply need an answer "Can I change the state of the Interrupt Trigger from High to Low, or Low to High dynamically within my program", then the answer is Yes - absolutely.

A lot of folks seem to want to use interrupts simply because they "think" that's the way to go or seen other talk about it for a similar application. Not so. If you have a Keyboard Button Push, or even a Trigger on a Paintball or Laser gun, as long as your PIC isn't in SLEEP mode and you can poll the event within say 50mS for a trigger, or 100mS for a Keyboard Button, then nobody is going to be any the wiser. You don't need 1uS reaction time in 99.9% of applications.

- 8th July 2005, 21:35
sorry that wasnt my whole program, just an idea of how it was stuctured.

well time is actually very critical as the paintball marker can fire 35+ balls per second. my program is very long ( just under 4k) because i had to create my own lcd subroutines. when i use the on interupt command, my program becomes very large. i try using the enable and disable commands so that only the top 2 subs are enabled and every thing below is is disabled to intertupt.
i need it to work on edges becuase if i do something like:

if portb.0 = 1 then
gosub fire
goto loop

the paintball marker will fire in full auto. i could correct this using a variable to hold the state but i was thinking that the interupts would be better.

i now have 2 loops. with out getting to involved, 1 loop is for rising edges, 1 loop is for falling edges. and when the condiotion is met to switch loops, it change the option_reg.6 from 1 to 0.

but,for some wierd (but benifitial to me) reason, when i set the option_reg.6 = 0 it will read both rising and falling tansitions, instead of just falling. which is exacly what i needed.

i need about 1ms reaction time max for my application. my prject is very complex the way it works. my goal is not to make a paintball gun just fire. it is to make it functin a very very specific way. a requirement that is in the tournement handbook.

- 9th July 2005, 11:16
For that purpose, you'll never need interrupt.. i seconf the Melanie's idea of a somple loop. Kinda KISS programming wich is often welcome.

my goal is not to make a paintball gun just fire. it is to make it functin a very very specific way. a requirement that is in the tournement handbook.
and.. ilegal in many coutry. well in Canada, we can modify our guns BUT we can't use them in real tournament as they don't meet the normal rules. Yeah i play sometime Paintball. I have a DM4, DM5 and since few weeks a DMC.

But by your question, you can do something like the following pseudo

If Fire=1 then
Pulsout Solenoid ' rising edge
While Fire=1
Pulsout Solenoid ' falling edge

Be carefulll your loader should have time enough to place those cute ball prior to shoot them. I hope your aware of hat... case else... what a great mess of paint you'll do. And for sure, few minutes/hours of happy cleaning ;)

- 9th July 2005, 13:53
>> 35+ balls per second...

Now if ever there was a phrase in a thread that could get my attention...

- 15th July 2005, 01:10
thank you for the replys.

just so theres no worries, i am not doing anything illegal guys. the program i am writing is to update the marker to the 2005 rule book or tournemant paintball here in the USA. although the marker can fire as fast as the hopper can feed (35+ BPS), but it is also adjustable to set at 15 Balls Per Second. I just need some help on getting the 15 balls per second mode better.

i know that there are many ways to do this, which i have done succesfully but my problem is 2 things: consistancy and "real time control".

---the consistancy problem is that i need the marker to fire at a very constant rate, even if the input (actual trigger) is not consistant.

---the so called "real time control" problem is that i need the marker to stop firing almost instantly as i stop pulling the trigger. 1 to 2 balls fired after i stop pulling the trigger is the MAX.

although the marker can fire at a very high rate of fire, all i need is it to work at 15 balls per second (BPS). the trigger needs to be pulled at least 3 times a second for the marker to shoot 15 BPS, but needs to stop alsmost instantly. now do you see why this is a little more complex :)

At first i just had a 5 shot burst and if the trigger was pulled before all 5 shots were fired, it would ADD to the number of bursts left. this made for a very consistant fire but would shoot 5 balls after i stopped pulling the trigger not good. if i lowered the 5 to a 2 it required pulling the trigger to fast, but only shot 2 balls after releasing.

so i had to get creative and utilze the release of the trigger. so now it set to 2 shot burst and ADDs 2 shoots everytime the trigger is pulled or released. this makes for for 4 shots a pull but i need 5. (15 BPS)/(3 pulls per sec) = 5 Balls per pull.

i was am not wondering if i can use a pulse counting interupt. and if the frequency of pulses goes below 3 per sec it will stop firing. could this be done to stop firing the marker instantly? or would it continue to shoot a few more balls?

oh yeah i forgot to say that i have all the other stuff figred out already, like the timing of the pnumatics required and the optical sesor delay, custom debouncing, and things of that nature. i was at the field a few days ago shooting 26 BPS of the chrono ;)i need new batteries in my halo i think. also i havnt CHOPPED\BUSTED a ball since i got my eye logic down and i shot over 5 cases through it (10,000 paintballs)