View Full Version : Issue with long var types

- 22nd July 2015, 06:35
Hi all,
I am starting a new project using pic18F47J53 and thought I would try long vars rather than using div32. Compiler version is PBPX, on Win7 64 bit laptop, I have selected "use compiler long words" in options and my test code compiles successfully and the result shows long variable types have been used.
However my variable sent to debug only increments to 64k (65536) and then rolls over. Even initializing a long var with a number above 64k and sending to debug will not work.
I have tried various pic settings including setting the extended instruction set of pic on/off etc. all no good.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.:confused:

- 22nd July 2015, 07:01
I seem to remember an issue with LONGs when using # vs DEC where one would work while the other didn't. Make sure you try both.


- 23rd July 2015, 00:36
Hi Henrik,
great call, using DEC works fine. Who would have thought?
Thanks mate.