View Full Version : Sending text to GLCD using BV4612 interface

- 27th June 2015, 01:39
I seem to be going through these serial / i2c GLCD adapters like hot cakes.. anyway I took delivery of the up to date version and I've hit a problem regarding some syntax and using it with pbp.

The manual (http://www.byvac.co.uk/downloads/datasheets/BV4611%20DataSheet.pdf) has a command for positioning the cursor at a given row / column when a font has been selected.

esc[<row>;<col>H Y Move cursor to line and column

Moves cursor to specified line and character position. The row and column values are effected by the
current font. For the standard font the row value will be between 0 & 7 and the column between 0
and about 31. Zero is the top left and so esc[0;0H will move the cursor to the home position. Values
out of range will be ignored.

The thing is the semi-colon is interpreted by pbp (MCS ?) as a comment and thus half the information for the column is ignored.... any ideas on how to get round this ?

- 27th June 2015, 02:01
You would actually send the following if using Serout2.
For Row 4 and Column 20
Serout2 pin, mode, [$1b, "[4;20H"]

Or you can do it all in hex.
Serout2 pin, mode, [$1b, $5b, $34, $3b, $32, $37, $48]

The ; is enclosed in quotation marks, so PBP will not treat it as a comment.

- 27th June 2015, 02:02
show us the line you trying to send
I was thinking
Serout2 pin, mode, [27, 91,#row,59, #col, 72]