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Darrel Taylor
- 1st July 2005, 05:01
Can we turn on HTML in the Test Area

I recently wanted to try different methods of Posting, and thought that it would be best if I used the "Test Area" to do it. However, since the HTML option is turned off, it's like comparing apples to oranges, since I couldn't post the same things I could do in the "mel PIC BASIC Pro" forum.

Low priority request. :o


- 1st July 2005, 11:14
OK, Done. Go play.

- 1st July 2005, 16:36
One of the divine Graces has spoken....

LCDout Port.Picbasic, "Let there be HTML"

Darrel Taylor
- 1st July 2005, 18:35

Thank you Melanie!