View Full Version : Help configuring 2 CCP interupts

- 7th February 2015, 17:07
I can successfully get CCP1 to work and display the measured period on an LCD using Timer 1, but adding CCP2 using Timer 3 does not work. It never interrupts and jumps to CCP2_INT. Pretty sure this has something to do with setting up 2 priority interrupts, but haven't found the problem. Anyone have some insight?

'PIC18F4620 CCP1 & CCP2 test

OSCCON=%01110000 ' SET TO 8 MHZ internal oscillator
DEFINE OSC 08 ' 8MHZ clock speed
DEFINE INTHAND CCP_INT ' Declare high-pri interrupt handler
ADCON1 = 15 ' All digital
CMCON = 7 ' Turns off comparators

define LCD_COMMANDUS 1500 ' set command delay in us
define LCD_DATAUS 50 ' set data delay in us
define LCD_DREG PORTD ' set LCD data port
define LCD_DBIT 4 ' set LCD starting data bit
define LCD_RSREG PORTD ' define RS port
define LCD_RSBIT 2 ' define RS bit
define LCD_EREG PORTD ' set LCD ENABLE port
define LCD_EBIT 3 ' set LCD ENABLE bit
define LCD_BITS 4 ' set LCD bits 4 or 8
define LCD_LINES 2 ' set # of LCD rows 2 or 4

'************************************************* ******************************
'************************** V A R S / C O N S ********************************
'************************************************* ******************************
Symbol Capture = PIR1.2 ' CCP1 capture flag
SYMBOL CapIE = PIE1.2 ' CCP1 interrupt enable bit
SYMBOL CapPriEn = IPR1.2 ' priority enable bit for CCP1 interrupt
SYMBOL PriEnable = RCON.7 ' set to enable priority levels on interrupts
_T1 VAR WORD BANKA SYSTEM ' 1st capture value
PW VAR WORD BANKA SYSTEM ' 2nd capture value & ultimately final pulse width
CF VAR BYTE BANKA SYSTEM ' indicates when last capture is ready
Period var word
Symbol Capture2 = PIR2.2 ' CCP2 capture flag
SYMBOL CapIE2 = PIE2.2 ' CCP2 interrupt enable bit
SYMBOL CapPriEn2 = IPR2.2 ' priority enable bit for CCP2 interrupt
SYMBOL PriEnable2 = RCON.7 ' set to enable priority levels on interrupts
_T2 VAR WORD BANKA SYSTEM ' 1st capture value
PW2 VAR WORD BANKA SYSTEM ' 2nd capture value & ultimately final pulse width
CF2 VAR BYTE BANKA SYSTEM ' indicates when last capture is ready
Period2 var word

pause 100
ln1 con $80
ln2 con $C0
CS con 1
pause 500

CLEAR ' clear RAM on POR
TRISC.2 = 1 ' CCP1 input pin (Capture1 input on 18F4620)
TRISC.1 = 1 ' CCP2 input pin (Capture2 input on 18F4620)
INTCON = 0 ' Interrupts off for now

pause 1000 'add bootup delay to allow things to settle
GOTO start 'jump over interrupt handler

BTFSS CCP1CON,0 ; capture from rising edge?
BRA Fall ; no .. goto falling edge
MOVFF CCPR1L, _T1 ; get low capture byte into _T1
MOVFF CCPR1H, _T1+1 ; get high capture byte into _T1
BRA IntExit ; outta here
MOVFF CCPR1L, PW ; get low capture byte into PW
MOVFF CCPR1H, PW+1 ; get high capture byte into PW
BSF CF,0 ; indicate last capture
BTG CCP1CON,0 ; toggle between rising/falling edge captures
BCF PIR1,2 ; clear capture interrupt flag bit
RETFIE FAST ; return/restore W, STATUS and BSR

BTFSS CCP2CON,0 ; capture from rising edge?
BRA Fall ; no .. goto falling edge
MOVFF CCPR2L, _T2 ; get low capture byte into _T1
MOVFF CCPR2H, _T2+1 ; get high capture byte into _T1
BRA IntExit ; outta here
MOVFF CCPR2L, PW2 ; get low capture byte into PW
MOVFF CCPR2H, PW2+1 ; get high capture byte into PW
BSF CF2,0 ; indicate last capture
BTG CCP2CON,0 ; toggle between rising/falling edge captures
BCF PIR2,2 ; clear capture interrupt flag bit
RETFIE FAST ; return/restore W, STATUS and BSR

'******************** CCP1 / Timer 1 ********************
CCP1CON = %00000111 'Capture mode, capture on 16th rising edge
T1CON.7=1 'Enable timer 16 bit `
T1CON.6=1 'Timer1 OSC
T1CON.5=1 '1:8 prescaler
T1CON.4=1 '1:8 prescaler
T1CON.3=0 'Timer1 OSC off
T1CON.2=0 'sychro clock
T1CON.1=0 'Internal clock
TMR1H = 0 'Clear high byte of TMR1 counter
TMR1L = 0 'Clear low byte
PriEnable = 1 'Enable priority levels on interrupts
Capture = 0 'Clear capture flag bit
CapPriEn = 1 'Set CCP1 int to high priority
CapIE = 1 'Enable the CCP1 capture interrupt
INTCON = %11000000 'Global + peripheral ints enabled
T1CON.0 = 1 'Turn TMR1 on here
'******************** CCP2 / Timer 3 ********************
CCP2CON = %00000111 'Capture mode, capture on 16th rising edge
T3CON.7=1 'Enable timer 16 bit `
T3CON.6=1 'Timer1 OSC
T3CON.5=1 '1:8 prescaler
T3CON.4=1 '1:8 prescaler
T3CON.3=0 'Timer 3 source
T3CON.2=0 'sychro clock
T3CON.1=0 'Internal clock
TMR3H = 0 'Clear high byte of TMR1 counter
TMR3L = 0 'Clear low byte
PriEnable2 = 1 'Enable priority levels on interrupts
Capture2 = 0 'Clear capture flag bit
CapPriEn2 = 1 'Set CCP1 int to high priority
CapIE2 = 1 'Enable the CCP1 capture interrupt
INTCON = %11000000 'Global + peripheral ints enabled
T3CON.0 = 1 'Turn TMR1 on here

goto main

'************************************************* ******************************
'********************** S U B R O U T I N E S **********************************
'************************************************* ******************************

IF CF.0 THEN ' figure out & print result only after last capture
period = PW-_T1
CF.0 = 0 ' clear flag bit

IF CF2.0 THEN ' figure out & print result only after last capture
period2 = PW2-_T2
CF2.0 = 0 ' clear flag bit

'************************************************* ******************************
'********************** M A I N L O O P *************************************
'************************************************* ******************************


gosub getCCP1
lcdout $fe, ln1, "#1 = ", dec period, " "

gosub getCCP2
lcdout $fe, ln2, "#2 = ", dec period2, " "

goto main


- 7th February 2015, 17:44
Hi, Spcw ...

did you see this one in the datasheet ???

Both modules may be
active at any given time and may share the same timer
resource if they are configured to operate in the same
mode (Capture/Compare or PWM) at the same time

... soooo ...


- 7th February 2015, 19:40
I tried using only timer 1 with the same result. The timer doesn't seem to be the issue, getting it to interrupt to me seems like the issue.

Thanks for the help!

- 7th February 2015, 21:01
Hi Shawn

something I do not see ...

When to enter ( choose between) CCP1 INT or CCP2 INT ???

may be I miss something, but ...


- 7th February 2015, 21:41
The define at the beginning of the code, I think. I actually missed it on the first post as I tried multiple combinations. I have one set as priority and the other not since it won't let me use the same define twice. I did not write the assembly routine. I did find a couple of errors and switched to timer1, but still can't get CCP2 to capture anything...

'PIC18F4620 CCP1 & CCP2 test

OSCCON=%01110000 ' SET TO 8 MHZ internal oscillator
DEFINE OSC 08 ' 8MHZ clock speed
DEFINE INTHAND CCP_INT ' Declare high-pri interrupt handler
DEFINE INTLHAND CCP2_INT ' Declare interrupt handler
ADCON1 = 15 ' All digital
CMCON = 7 ' Turns off comparators

define LCD_COMMANDUS 1500 ' set command delay in us
define LCD_DATAUS 50 ' set data delay in us
define LCD_DREG PORTD ' set LCD data port
define LCD_DBIT 4 ' set LCD starting data bit
define LCD_RSREG PORTD ' define RS port
define LCD_RSBIT 2 ' define RS bit
define LCD_EREG PORTD ' set LCD ENABLE port
define LCD_EBIT 3 ' set LCD ENABLE bit
define LCD_BITS 4 ' set LCD bits 4 or 8
define LCD_LINES 2 ' set # of LCD rows 2 or 4

'************************************************* ******************************
'************************** V A R S / C O N S ********************************
'************************************************* ******************************
Symbol Capture = PIR1.2 ' CCP1 capture flag
SYMBOL CapIE = PIE1.2 ' CCP1 interrupt enable bit
SYMBOL CapPriEn = IPR1.2 ' priority enable bit for CCP1 interrupt
SYMBOL PriEnable = RCON.7 ' set to enable priority levels on interrupts
_T1 VAR WORD BANKA SYSTEM ' 1st capture value
PW VAR WORD BANKA SYSTEM ' 2nd capture value & ultimately final pulse width
CF VAR BYTE BANKA SYSTEM ' indicates when last capture is ready
Period var word
Symbol Capture2 = PIR2.2 ' CCP2 capture flag
SYMBOL CapIE2 = PIE2.2 ' CCP2 interrupt enable bit
SYMBOL CapPriEn2 = IPR2.2 ' priority enable bit for CCP2 interrupt
SYMBOL PriEnable2 = RCON.7 ' set to enable priority levels on interrupts
_T2 VAR WORD BANKA SYSTEM ' 1st capture value
PW2 VAR WORD BANKA SYSTEM ' 2nd capture value & ultimately final pulse width
CF2 VAR BYTE BANKA SYSTEM ' indicates when last capture is ready
Period2 var word

pause 100
ln1 con $80
ln2 con $C0
CS con 1
pause 500

CLEAR ' clear RAM on POR
TRISC.2 = 1 ' CCP1 input pin (Capture1 input on 18F4620)
TRISC.1 = 1 ' CCP2 input pin (Capture2 input on 18F4620)
INTCON = 0 ' Interrupts off for now

pause 1000 'add bootup delay to allow things to settle
GOTO start 'jump over interrupt handler

BTFSS CCP1CON,0 ; capture from rising edge?
BRA Fall ; no .. goto falling edge
MOVFF CCPR1L, _T1 ; get low capture byte into _T1
MOVFF CCPR1H, _T1+1 ; get high capture byte into _T1
BRA IntExit ; outta here
MOVFF CCPR1L, PW ; get low capture byte into PW
MOVFF CCPR1H, PW+1 ; get high capture byte into PW
BSF CF,0 ; indicate last capture
BTG CCP1CON,0 ; toggle between rising/falling edge captures
BCF PIR1,2 ; clear capture interrupt flag bit
RETFIE FAST ; return/restore W, STATUS and BSR

BTFSS CCP2CON,0 ; capture from rising edge?
BRA Fall2 ; no .. goto falling edge
MOVFF CCPR2L, _T2 ; get low capture byte into _T1
MOVFF CCPR2H, _T2+1 ; get high capture byte into _T1
BRA IntExit2 ; outta here
MOVFF CCPR2L, PW2 ; get low capture byte into PW
MOVFF CCPR2H, PW2+1 ; get high capture byte into PW
BSF CF2,0 ; indicate last capture
BTG CCP2CON,0 ; toggle between rising/falling edge captures
BCF PIR2,2 ; clear capture interrupt flag bit
RETFIE FAST ; return/restore W, STATUS and BSR

'******************** CCP1 / CCP2 / Timer 1 ********************
CCP1CON = %00000111 'Capture mode, capture on 16th rising edge
CCP2CON = %00000111 'Capture mode, capture on 16th rising edge
T1CON.7=1 'Enable timer 16 bit `
T1CON.6=1 'Timer1 OSC
T1CON.5=1 '1:8 prescaler
T1CON.4=1 '1:8 prescaler
T1CON.3=0 'Timer1 OSC off
T1CON.2=0 'sychro clock
T1CON.1=0 'Internal clock
TMR1H = 0 'Clear high byte of TMR1 counter
TMR1L = 0 'Clear low byte
PriEnable = 1 'Enable priority levels on interrupts
Capture = 0 'Clear capture flag bit
Capture2 = 0 'Clear capture flag bit
CapPriEn = 1 'Set CCP1 int to high priority
CapPriEn2 = 1 'Set CCP2 int to high priority
CapIE = 1 'Enable the CCP1 capture interrupt
CapIE2 = 1 'Enable the CCP2 capture interrupt

INTCON = %11000000 'Global + peripheral ints enabled
T1CON.0 = 1 'Turn TMR1 on here

IF CF.0 THEN ' figure out & print result only after last capture
period = PW-_T1
CF.0 = 0 ' clear flag bit

IF CF2.0 THEN ' figure out & print result only after last capture
period2 = PW2-_T2
CF2.0 = 0 ' clear flag bit

lcdout $fe, ln1, "#1 = ", dec period, " "
lcdout $fe, ln2, "#2 = ", dec period2, " "

goto main


- 7th February 2015, 23:09
Sorry to reply again. I had the registers wrong for CCP2. Still can't get both to work at the same time. Below the first code works with CCP1 and the second works with CCP2 with the 2 lines commented out. Note I switched to an 18F2221 just to make sure it wasn't the chip. Same results.

CCP1 works:

'PIC18F2221 CCP1 & CCP2 test

OSCCON=%01110000 ' SET TO 8 MHZ internal oscillator
DEFINE OSC 08 ' 8MHZ clock speed
DEFINE INTHAND CCP_INT ' Declare high-pri interrupt handler
'!!!!!COMMENTED OUT!!!!! DEFINE INTHAND CCP2_INT ' Declare interrupt handler
ADCON1 = 15 ' All digital
CMCON = 7 ' Turns off comparators

define LCD_COMMANDUS 1500 ' set command delay in us
define LCD_DATAUS 50 ' set data delay in us
define LCD_DREG PORTC ' set LCD data port
define LCD_DBIT 4 ' set LCD starting data bit
define LCD_RSREG PORTB ' define RS port
define LCD_RSBIT 1 ' define RS bit
define LCD_EREG PORTB ' set LCD ENABLE port
define LCD_EBIT 0 ' set LCD ENABLE bit
define LCD_BITS 4 ' set LCD bits 4 or 8
define LCD_LINES 2 ' set # of LCD rows 2 or 4

'************************************************* ******************************
'************************** V A R S / C O N S ********************************
'************************************************* ******************************
Symbol Capture = PIR1.2 ' CCP1 capture flag
SYMBOL CapIE = PIE1.2 ' CCP1 interrupt enable bit
SYMBOL CapPriEn = IPR1.2 ' priority enable bit for CCP1 interrupt
SYMBOL PriEnable = RCON.7 ' set to enable priority levels on interrupts
_T1 VAR WORD BANKA SYSTEM ' 1st capture value
PW VAR WORD BANKA SYSTEM ' 2nd capture value & ultimately final pulse width
CF VAR BYTE BANKA SYSTEM ' indicates when last capture is ready
Period var word
Symbol Capture2 = PIR2.0 ' CCP2 capture flag
SYMBOL CapIE2 = PIE2.0 ' CCP2 interrupt enable bit
SYMBOL CapPriEn2 = IPR2.0 ' priority enable bit for CCP2 interrupt
SYMBOL PriEnable2 = RCON.7 ' set to enable priority levels on interrupts
_T2 VAR WORD BANKA SYSTEM ' 1st capture value
PW2 VAR WORD BANKA SYSTEM ' 2nd capture value & ultimately final pulse width
CF2 VAR BYTE BANKA SYSTEM ' indicates when last capture is ready
Period2 var word

pause 100
ln1 con $80
ln2 con $C0
CS con 1
pause 500

CLEAR ' clear RAM on POR
TRISC.2 = 1 ' CCP1 input pin (Capture1 input on 18F4620)
TRISC.1 = 1 ' CCP2 input pin (Capture2 input on 18F4620)
INTCON = 0 ' Interrupts off for now

pause 1000 'add bootup delay to allow things to settle
GOTO start 'jump over interrupt handler

BTFSS CCP1CON,0 ; capture from rising edge?
BRA Fall ; no .. goto falling edge
MOVFF CCPR1L, _T1 ; get low capture byte into _T1
MOVFF CCPR1H, _T1+1 ; get high capture byte into _T1
BRA IntExit ; outta here
MOVFF CCPR1L, PW ; get low capture byte into PW
MOVFF CCPR1H, PW+1 ; get high capture byte into PW
BSF CF,0 ; indicate last capture
BTG CCP1CON,0 ; toggle between rising/falling edge captures
BCF PIR1,2 ; clear capture interrupt flag bit
RETFIE FAST ; return/restore W, STATUS and BSR

BTFSS CCP2CON,0 ; capture from rising edge?
BRA Fall2 ; no .. goto falling edge
MOVFF CCPR2L, _T2 ; get low capture byte into _T1
MOVFF CCPR2H, _T2+1 ; get high capture byte into _T1
BRA IntExit2 ; outta here
MOVFF CCPR2L, PW2 ; get low capture byte into PW
MOVFF CCPR2H, PW2+1 ; get high capture byte into PW
BSF CF2,0 ; indicate last capture
BTG CCP2CON,0 ; toggle between rising/falling edge captures
BCF PIR2,0 ; clear capture interrupt flag bit
RETFIE FAST ; return/restore W, STATUS and BSR

'******************** CCP1 / CCP2 / Timer 1 ********************
CCP1CON = %00000111 'Capture mode, capture on 16th rising edge
'!!!!!COMMENTED OUT!!!!! CCP2CON = %00000111 'Capture mode, capture on 16th rising edge
T1CON.7=1 'Enable timer 16 bit `
T1CON.6=1 'Timer1 OSC
T1CON.5=1 '1:8 prescaler
T1CON.4=1 '1:8 prescaler
T1CON.3=0 'Timer1 OSC off
T1CON.2=0 'sychro clock
T1CON.1=0 'Internal clock
TMR1H = 0 'Clear high byte of TMR1 counter
TMR1L = 0 'Clear low byte
PriEnable = 1 'Enable priority levels on interrupts
Capture = 0 'Clear capture flag bit
Capture2 = 0 'Clear capture flag bit
CapPriEn = 1 'Set CCP1 int to high priority
CapPriEn2 = 1 'Set CCP2 int to high priority
CapIE = 1 'Enable the CCP1 capture interrupt
CapIE2 = 1 'Enable the CCP2 capture interrupt

INTCON = %11000000 'Global + peripheral ints enabled
T1CON.0 = 1 'Turn TMR1 on here

IF CF.0 THEN ' figure out & print result only after last capture
period = PW-_T1
CF.0 = 0 ' clear flag bit

IF CF2.0 THEN ' figure out & print result only after last capture
period2 = PW2-_T2
CF2.0 = 0 ' clear flag bit

lcdout $fe, ln1, "#1 = ", dec period, " "
lcdout $fe, ln2, "#2 = ", dec period2, " "

goto main


CCP2 works:

'PIC18F2221 CCP1 & CCP2 test

OSCCON=%01110000 ' SET TO 8 MHZ internal oscillator
DEFINE OSC 08 ' 8MHZ clock speed
'!!!!!COMMENTED OUT!!!!! DEFINE INTHAND CCP_INT ' Declare high-pri interrupt handler
DEFINE INTHAND CCP2_INT ' Declare interrupt handler
ADCON1 = 15 ' All digital
CMCON = 7 ' Turns off comparators

define LCD_COMMANDUS 1500 ' set command delay in us
define LCD_DATAUS 50 ' set data delay in us
define LCD_DREG PORTC ' set LCD data port
define LCD_DBIT 4 ' set LCD starting data bit
define LCD_RSREG PORTB ' define RS port
define LCD_RSBIT 1 ' define RS bit
define LCD_EREG PORTB ' set LCD ENABLE port
define LCD_EBIT 0 ' set LCD ENABLE bit
define LCD_BITS 4 ' set LCD bits 4 or 8
define LCD_LINES 2 ' set # of LCD rows 2 or 4

'************************************************* ******************************
'************************** V A R S / C O N S ********************************
'************************************************* ******************************
Symbol Capture = PIR1.2 ' CCP1 capture flag
SYMBOL CapIE = PIE1.2 ' CCP1 interrupt enable bit
SYMBOL CapPriEn = IPR1.2 ' priority enable bit for CCP1 interrupt
SYMBOL PriEnable = RCON.7 ' set to enable priority levels on interrupts
_T1 VAR WORD BANKA SYSTEM ' 1st capture value
PW VAR WORD BANKA SYSTEM ' 2nd capture value & ultimately final pulse width
CF VAR BYTE BANKA SYSTEM ' indicates when last capture is ready
Period var word
Symbol Capture2 = PIR2.0 ' CCP2 capture flag
SYMBOL CapIE2 = PIE2.0 ' CCP2 interrupt enable bit
SYMBOL CapPriEn2 = IPR2.0 ' priority enable bit for CCP2 interrupt
SYMBOL PriEnable2 = RCON.7 ' set to enable priority levels on interrupts
_T2 VAR WORD BANKA SYSTEM ' 1st capture value
PW2 VAR WORD BANKA SYSTEM ' 2nd capture value & ultimately final pulse width
CF2 VAR BYTE BANKA SYSTEM ' indicates when last capture is ready
Period2 var word

pause 100
ln1 con $80
ln2 con $C0
CS con 1
pause 500

CLEAR ' clear RAM on POR
TRISC.2 = 1 ' CCP1 input pin (Capture1 input on 18F4620)
TRISC.1 = 1 ' CCP2 input pin (Capture2 input on 18F4620)
INTCON = 0 ' Interrupts off for now

pause 1000 'add bootup delay to allow things to settle
GOTO start 'jump over interrupt handler

BTFSS CCP1CON,0 ; capture from rising edge?
BRA Fall ; no .. goto falling edge
MOVFF CCPR1L, _T1 ; get low capture byte into _T1
MOVFF CCPR1H, _T1+1 ; get high capture byte into _T1
BRA IntExit ; outta here
MOVFF CCPR1L, PW ; get low capture byte into PW
MOVFF CCPR1H, PW+1 ; get high capture byte into PW
BSF CF,0 ; indicate last capture
BTG CCP1CON,0 ; toggle between rising/falling edge captures
BCF PIR1,2 ; clear capture interrupt flag bit
RETFIE FAST ; return/restore W, STATUS and BSR

BTFSS CCP2CON,0 ; capture from rising edge?
BRA Fall2 ; no .. goto falling edge
MOVFF CCPR2L, _T2 ; get low capture byte into _T1
MOVFF CCPR2H, _T2+1 ; get high capture byte into _T1
BRA IntExit2 ; outta here
MOVFF CCPR2L, PW2 ; get low capture byte into PW
MOVFF CCPR2H, PW2+1 ; get high capture byte into PW
BSF CF2,0 ; indicate last capture
BTG CCP2CON,0 ; toggle between rising/falling edge captures
BCF PIR2,0 ; clear capture interrupt flag bit
RETFIE FAST ; return/restore W, STATUS and BSR

'******************** CCP1 / CCP2 / Timer 1 ********************
'!!!!!COMMENTED OUT!!!!! CCP1CON = %00000111 'Capture mode, capture on 16th rising edge
CCP2CON = %00000111 'Capture mode, capture on 16th rising edge
T1CON.7=1 'Enable timer 16 bit `
T1CON.6=1 'Timer1 OSC
T1CON.5=1 '1:8 prescaler
T1CON.4=1 '1:8 prescaler
T1CON.3=0 'Timer1 OSC off
T1CON.2=0 'sychro clock
T1CON.1=0 'Internal clock
TMR1H = 0 'Clear high byte of TMR1 counter
TMR1L = 0 'Clear low byte
PriEnable = 1 'Enable priority levels on interrupts
Capture = 0 'Clear capture flag bit
Capture2 = 0 'Clear capture flag bit
CapPriEn = 1 'Set CCP1 int to high priority
CapPriEn2 = 1 'Set CCP2 int to high priority
CapIE = 1 'Enable the CCP1 capture interrupt
CapIE2 = 1 'Enable the CCP2 capture interrupt

INTCON = %11000000 'Global + peripheral ints enabled
T1CON.0 = 1 'Turn TMR1 on here

IF CF.0 THEN ' figure out & print result only after last capture
period = PW-_T1
CF.0 = 0 ' clear flag bit

IF CF2.0 THEN ' figure out & print result only after last capture
period2 = PW2-_T2
CF2.0 = 0 ' clear flag bit

lcdout $fe, ln1, "#1 = ", dec period, " "
lcdout $fe, ln2, "#2 = ", dec period2, " "

goto main


- 7th February 2015, 23:41
pic chips have only one interrupt vector

DEFINE INTHAND CCP_INT ' Declare high-pri interrupt handler

needs to do something like this

DEFINE INTHAND which_CCP_INT ' Declare high-pri interrupt handler



pseudo code wise
if ccp1 INTflag set then bra ccp_int1
if ccp2 INTflag set then bra ccp_int2
RETFIE FAST ' not my interrupt

BTFSS CCP1CON,0 ; capture from rising edge?
BRA Fall ; no .. goto falling edge
MOVFF CCPR1L, _T1 ; get low capture byte into _T1
MOVFF CCPR1H, _T1+1 ; get high capture byte into _T1
BRA IntExit ; outta here
MOVFF CCPR1L, PW ; get low capture byte into PW
MOVFF CCPR1H, PW+1 ; get high capture byte into PW
BSF CF,0 ; indicate last capture
BTG CCP1CON,0 ; toggle between rising/falling edge captures
BCF PIR1,2 ; clear capture interrupt flag bit
RETFIE FAST ; return/restore W, STATUS and BSR

BTFSS CCP2CON,0 ; capture from rising edge?
BRA Fall2 ; no .. goto falling edge
MOVFF CCPR2L, _T2 ; get low capture byte into _T1
MOVFF CCPR2H, _T2+1 ; get high capture byte into _T1
BRA IntExit2 ; outta here
MOVFF CCPR2L, PW2 ; get low capture byte into PW
MOVFF CCPR2H, PW2+1 ; get high capture byte into PW
BSF CF2,0 ; indicate last capture
BTG CCP2CON,0 ; toggle between rising/falling edge captures
BCF PIR2,0 ; clear capture interrupt flag bit
RETFIE FAST ; return/restore W, STATUS and BSR


- 8th February 2015, 02:20
Thank you! That helped me get it working :)

- 8th February 2015, 11:12
> pic chips have only one interrupt vector
Yes and no. 18F-series chips have two, one high priority (0x0008h) and one low pritority (0x0018h) and the DEFINE's, as they were written in ONE of the code examples posted was defining one handler for the high priority and one for the low. However, both handlers had RETFIE FAST at the end which, to me, seems like a mistake if there's any possibillity of a high priroty interrupt tripping while a low priority interrupt is executing. It may be why they worked on their own but not both at the same time.

Anyway, if you got it working then none of it really matters.


- 8th February 2015, 12:11
it should also be noted that for a low priority int handler

wsave,ssave,bsave vars are required to save and restore chips status on entry/exit

and that the chosen int priority must match settings

DEFINE INTHAND CCP_INT ' Declare high-pri interrupt handler
DEFINE INTLHAND CCP2_INT ' Declare interrupt handler

CapPriEn = 1 'Set CCP1 int to high priority
CapPriEn2 = 0 'Set CCP2 int to low priority

also to note that none or the isr's in this thread have made any attempt at ensuring correct banksel
a few chk??rp lines would make things more reliable

- 8th February 2015, 15:05
Below is my working ASM interrupt routine. I'm sure it could be improved, but it appears to work 100%. Using only 1 priority interrupt for the CCP module. Thanks for all the help!

BTFSC PIR1,2 ; if ccp1
BTFSC PIR2,0 ; if ccp2
RETFIE FAST ; outta here
BTFSS CCP1CON,0 ; capture from rising edge?
BRA Fall ; no .. goto falling edge
MOVFF CCPR1L, _T1 ; get low capture byte into _T1
MOVFF CCPR1H, _T1+1 ; get high capture byte into _T1
BRA IntExit ; outta here
MOVFF CCPR1L, PW ; get low capture byte into PW
MOVFF CCPR1H, PW+1 ; get high capture byte into PW
BSF CF,0 ; indicate last capture
BTG CCP1CON,0 ; toggle between rising/falling edge captures
BCF PIR1,2 ; clear capture interrupt flag bit
RETFIE FAST ; return/restore W, STATUS and BSR
BTFSS CCP2CON,0 ; capture from rising edge?
BRA Fall2 ; no .. goto falling edge
MOVFF CCPR2L, _T2 ; get low capture byte into _T1
MOVFF CCPR2H, _T2+1 ; get high capture byte into _T1
BRA IntExit2 ; outta here
MOVFF CCPR2L, PW2 ; get low capture byte into PW
MOVFF CCPR2H, PW2+1 ; get high capture byte into PW
BSF CF2,0 ; indicate last capture
BTG CCP2CON,0 ; toggle between rising/falling edge captures
BCF PIR2,0 ; clear capture interrupt flag bit
RETFIE FAST ; return/restore W, STATUS and BSR

- 9th February 2015, 09:40
pic chips have only one interrupt vector

This one statement solved a problem I was having.
So I combined my ISRs into one and Viola',
Thanks Richard