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- 23rd September 2014, 18:09
When you compile your program, you select your intended PIC device from the drop down menu and it automatically adds all the default configs for that device, yes?

But there is nothing in the include folder in the PBP3 code explorer window. Do I need to include an include statement that calls the .inc file?

- 23rd September 2014, 19:10
Short answer is no, you don´t.

The slightly longer answer is that PBP is command line driven and it includes the correct file automatically (at compile time) based on what is passed to it thru the -p parameter. If you were to compile your program from the command line you'd do something like PBPX -p18F4520 myProgram.pbp. However, if you´re using an IDE such as MicroCodeStudio it handles that for you based on what device you select in the dropdown.


- 23rd September 2014, 22:44
Thanks, Henrik!