View Full Version : speaker jet synthesizer chips

- 18th September 2014, 16:57
I've tried a search but found nothing on this subject.

Just wondering if anyone on this forum has tried using this speech synthesizer chip? I was planning to add some sounds and messages to my project, (which currently the sounds are limited to the abilities of the SOUND command).

Or if you have tried other speech devices? Any suggestions or tips would be appreciated.

- 18th September 2014, 20:58
For the price of that chip you can buy nearly 2 serial controlled Sd card mp3 players.


seeedstudio.com search for Grove - Serial MP3 Player

I have tried a number of these boards and have a working speaking clock using picbasic, a 628A, and 60Khz receiver/decoder, and can use GPS receiver with PPS as an option.

- 1st October 2014, 21:56
The Raspberry Pi is very affordable and can provide high quality speech via e-speak.
It is really easy to implement too!