View Full Version : Basic stamp code does not works.

- 26th August 2014, 15:37
Hello. I have the following basic stamp code:

' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}

degCouple VAR Word
degCinternal VAR Word
TCtemp1 VAR Word
TCtemp0 VAR Word
faults VAR Nib

SCVfault VAR faults.BIT2
SCGfault VAR faults.BIT1
OCfault VAR faults.BIT0

LOW MXCS 'chip select low
SHIFTIN MXSO, MXSCLK, MSBPRE, [TCtemp1\16,TCtemp0\16] 'shift in the data
HIGH MXCS 'chip select high
degCouple = TCtemp1 >> 2 + (-TCtemp1.BIT15 << 14) ' the last term extends the sign bit
degCinternal = TCtemp0 >> 4 + (-TCtemp0.BIT15 << 12)
faults = TCtemp0.NIB0
degCouple = (TCtemp1 >> 2) / 4
DEBUG SDEC degCouple, TAB, SDEC degCinternal, TAB, BIN3 faults
PAUSE 1000


Since it is not fully compatible, I've modified faults VAR Nib to faults VAR Byte, and also, instead of "DEBUG", I'm using LCDOUT.

Still does not works, returns 0 instead of temperature. When same hardware connected to BS2, the code works properly. Pinout seems to be correct. What else can be reason?

- 26th August 2014, 17:07
I'd look at syntax in these statements first:

SCVfault VAR faults.BIT2

Then I'd check syntax of DO/LOOP in PBP manual.


- 26th August 2014, 18:03
What PIC are you trying to use??
What version of PBP are you compiling with?

It's good that you posted the original basic stamp code but it would also be helpful if you posted the PIC code, as modified, that you are trying to run.

- 26th August 2014, 19:01
When using stamp basic code that contains "modes" with PBP

You need to add

Include "modedefs.bas"

Or change this

SHIFTIN MXSO, MXSCLK, MSBPRE, [TCtemp1\16,TCtemp0\16] 'shift in the data


SHIFTIN MXSO, MXSCLK, 0, [TCtemp1\16,TCtemp0\16] 'shift in the data

- 26th August 2014, 22:05
Hello CuriousOne,
Very difficult to test this code having only 1/2 of the apparatus (for us). Here is what I would do . . . Add, include"BS2Defs.bas" change
MXCS PIN 0 . . . to MXCS var PORTx. x etc . . . Change faults = TCtemp0.nib0 to faults = TCtemp0.lowbyte & try it, you might think good thoughts of linking US to the original project so we can get where you are.

- 27th August 2014, 09:50
modedefs.bas is included. When I try to include bs2defs.bas, it gives error during compile on line next to it (no matter what is on there).

here's the complete listing:

'************************************************* ***************
'* Name : UNTITLED.BAS *
'* Author : [select VIEW...EDITOR OPTIONS] *
'* Notice : Copyright (c) 2014 [select VIEW...EDITOR OPTIONS] *
'* : All Rights Reserved *
'* Date : 26.08.2014 *
'* Version : 1.0 *
'* Notes : *
'* : *
'************************************************* ***************
Include "Modedefs.bas"
Define OSC 4 ' Set Xtal Frequency

Clk Var portb.0 ' Data is clocked on rising edge of this pin kviteli
Dta Var portb.1 ' Bits are shifted out of this pin stafilosferi
Load Var portb.2 ' Transfers data to LEDs when Pulsed lurji
DQD Var portb.4 ' One-wire data pin FOR THERMOMETER

' ** Declare Constants **
Decode_Reg Con 9 ' Decode register, a 1 turns on BCD decoding for each digit.
Lum_Reg Con 10 ' Intensity register.
Scan_Reg Con 11 ' Scan-limit register.
Switch_Reg Con 12 ' On/Off Register.
Test_Reg Con 15 ' Test mode register (all digits on, 100% bright)

' Max_Digit Con 5 ' Amount of LED Displays being used.

' ** Declare Variables **
Counter Var Word ' Variable used for the Demo Counting routine
Max_Disp Var Word ' 16-bit value to be displayed by the MAX7219
Max_Dp Var Byte ' Digit number to place Decimal point (0-4)
Register Var Byte ' Pointer to the Internal Registers of the MAX7219
R_Val Var Byte ' Data placed in Each Register
Digit Var Byte ' Position of individual numbers within MAX_Disp (0-3)
Position Var Byte ' Position of each LED display (1-4)

temperature Var Word ' Temperature storage
pause 50

'Alias pins - MAX31855 temp sensor
MXSCLK var PORTC.1 'MAX31855 Clock
MXCS var PORTC.2 'MAX31855 Chip Select
MXSO Var PORTC.3 'MAX31855 Serial Data

degCouple VAR Word
degCinternal VAR Word
TCtemp1 VAR Word
TCtemp0 VAR Word
faults VAR BYTE

SCVfault VAR faults.BIT2
SCGfault VAR faults.BIT1
OCfault VAR faults.BIT0

Register=Scan_Reg ' Point to the Scan Register
R_Val=3 ' send 3, (Four LED Displays 0-3)
Gosub Transfer ' Transfer this 16-bit Word to the MAX7219

Register=Lum_Reg ' Point to the Luminance Register
R_Val=1 ' Send 5, (Value for Brightness)
Gosub Transfer ' Transfer this 16-bit Word to the MAX7219

Register=Decode_Reg ' Point to BCD Decode Register
R_Val=%00001111 ' Decode the first 5 digits
Gosub Transfer ' Transfer this 16-bit Word to the MAX7219

Register=Switch_Reg ' Point to the Switch Register
R_Val=1 ' Set to One, (switches the display ON)
Gosub Transfer ' Transfer this 16-bit Word to the MAX7219

Register=Test_Reg ' Point to the Test Register
R_Val=0 ' Reset to Zero, (turns off Test mode)
Gosub Transfer ' Transfer this 16-bit Word to the MAX7219

Max_Dp=1 ' Display number for Decimal Point

pause 50


Digit=0 ' Start at Digit 0 of Max_Disp Variable
For Position=4 to 1 step -1 ' Start at Farthest Right of Display
Register=Position ' Place Position into Register
R_Val=Max_Disp Dig Digit ' Extract the individual numbers from Max_Disp
If Max_Disp<10 and Position=3 then R_Val=15 ' Zero Suppression for the second digit
If Max_Disp<100 and Position=2 then R_Val=15 ' Zero Suppression for the Third digit
If Max_Disp<1000 and Position=1 then R_Val=15 ' Zero Suppression for the Forth digit
If Max_Disp<10000 and Position=0 then R_Val=15 ' Zero Suppression for the Fifth digit
If Digit=Max_Dp then R_Val.7=1 ' Place the decimal point, held in Max_DP
'lcdout $fe,$c0,"Reg:", #register, " VAL:",#R_Val, " "
pause 20
Gosub Transfer ' Transfer the 16-bit Word to the MAX7219
If Digit>=3 then Digit=0 ' We only need the first four digits
Digit=Digit+1 ' Point to next Digit within Max_Disp
Next Position ' Close the Loop
Return ' Exit from subroutine

' Send a 16-bit word to the MAX7219
Shiftout Dta,Clk,msbfirst,[Register,R_Val] ' Shift Out the Register first, then the data
pauseus 100
High Load ' The data is now acted upon
pauseus 100
@ Nop
@ Nop ' A small delay to ensure correct clocking times
Low Load ' Disable the MAX7219
Return ' Exit from Subroutine

LOW MXCS 'chip select low
SHIFTIN MXSO, MXSCLK, MSBPRE, [TCtemp1\16,TCtemp0\16] 'shift in the data
HIGH MXCS 'chip select high
degCouple = TCtemp1 >> 2 + (-TCtemp1.BIT15 << 14) ' the last term extends the sign bit
degCinternal = TCtemp0 >> 4 + (-TCtemp0.BIT15 << 12)
'faults = TCtemp0.NIB0
'degCouple = (TCtemp1 >> 2) / 4
'DEBUG SDEC degCouple, TAB, SDEC degCinternal, TAB, BIN3 faults
PAUSE 1000


- 27th August 2014, 10:13
not sure what ver pbp u have but

already includes MODEDEFS.BAS. Do not include it again if one of these files is
already included. The Mode numbers may be used without including this file. Some
Modes do not have a name.

from the pbp3 manual

- 27th August 2014, 10:13
modedefs.bas is included. When I try to include bs2defs.bas, it gives error during compile on line next to it (no matter what is on there).

As per the manual, use either but not both, bs2defs IS for stamp code use.

- 27th August 2014, 10:27
Yes, as you can see, I had one of them commented, so was enabling one at a time, to check the compatibility. And even with bs2defs.bas included, compiler gives error on "Faults var nib".

I have PBP3

Hardware is PIC16F870

- 27th August 2014, 10:43
pbp3 has no var type of nibble as previously mentioned use type BYTE

are you sure that code is for a max31855 ?
because that code reads the chip temp not the THERMOCOUPLE temp

- 27th August 2014, 11:10
Yes, it works just fine on BS2. The code reads both data, I just enabled single one, to see if problem is in reading.

- 27th August 2014, 14:47
Try setting your TRIS register.

- 27th August 2014, 18:15
It took me two days to figure out :)

when connecting to BS2, I was reversing the pins, so pinout in code was correct for that code only. Everything works just fine, thanks!

- 27th August 2014, 20:43
Well I mentionned pins in my post and I was first to reply so I'm taking credit for solving this. :D
