View Full Version : RB0 / INT TRISB.0 configuration

- 7th August 2014, 09:46
Hi Everyone ;

I've got a question digging my mind for a while .
I've been reading the datasheet of 12F683 and 16F1827 to determine whether it is required to set or clear the TRISB.0 register to use the RB0 / INT pin for an interrupt purpose , I can't find any statement about it on the datasheet ...

What do you guys think ? Should we set the TRISB.0 to use RB0 pin to activate the interrupt ? Or is it just sufficient to configure the INTCON=%10010000 ?

Regards ..

- 7th August 2014, 10:16
it hardly seems likely to be a good idea to try and drive a pin high or low when its set to be an output . if you want an external interrupt the chosen pin must be an input

- 7th August 2014, 18:17
Even though the data sheet says POR is input I ALWAYS set in code.

- 7th August 2014, 22:44
Thank you guys so much ...