View Full Version : Windows 7 32 bit problem with 2.60C

- 18th March 2014, 18:22
I apologize if this has been covered before. I did a search and did not find information that seemed to help.

I have been away from PBP for some time and recently had a reason to work on some old code. In the meantime I had switched from XP to W7 32 bit. I had PB Pro Version 2.47 and upgrades to 2.5 and then 2.60C. I installed these in order and allowed MicroCode Studio to install from the 2.60C disk. All the installs went without issues.

I saw one post were someone was having a similar issue but it had something to do MicroCode Studio Plus. Although I have a disk of Plus I did not try to reload it as I don't need any of its features.

When I went to compile the old code I got either a error that read: "Fatal: Out of memory (PBPE.EXE)" or it would hang in the assembly phase. After some poking around I found that I could compile the "Blink" program in the Samples folder. Further experimenting showed that I can copy the old code into the PBP Samples folder and it will compile OK. In other words, I can compile stuff in the Samples Folder but not someplace else. The PIC is a 16F684.

I am using the PBP assembler, not MPLAB's. It appears to be some sort of permissions issue. But I have tried running everything as Administrator (I am the Admin on my own system) and nothing seems to work - other than moving the source into the Samples folder.

Moving the source does allow a successful compilation and, for this small project, is an acceptable work around. But I'd like to know what I'm doing wrong.

Can anyone shed a little light on my problem?


- 26th March 2014, 12:20
Google "win 7 out of memory error"
