View Full Version : bootup pc with PS/2 keyboard emulation

- 2nd March 2014, 07:45

I try a picbasic program that takes input from a circuit (push buttons) and sends it through to a PS/2 cable that can be plugged into the keyboard port of a PC. I'm trying to get the push buttons in the circuit to send the data of certain keys from the keyboard.

Sending a key to PC via PS2 port is ok. But, when bootup my pc, I've plug in ps2 keyboard to start my program.
I want to ps2 keyboard emulator without using ps2 keyboard to boot up pc.

So how to initialize pic as ps2 keyboard emulator?


- 2nd March 2014, 12:18
Have a look here

assembler but the comments should give you information as to how to do what you want

- 3rd March 2014, 09:41
Thank aerostar