View Full Version : Execute Picbasic Pro code from external EEPROM?

- 5th February 2014, 10:44

Is such thing possible?

Say I have PIC16F877 hooked to 24C32. Theres some "bootloader" in 877, which reads picbasic code from 24C32 and executes it. Is such thing possible?

- 7th February 2014, 03:31
I'd say yes, but you're gonna need duct tape too. :D

There's probably a way to do it as long as the eeprom can store the hex file. I just have no clue how'd you go about doing the programming trigger, or transfer the data. Doesn't a bootloader expect input from a serial connection? Eeprom are often I2C or possibly another protocol.

My "total" guess is that you'd need another microprocessor to handle the transfer.

Robert "I have never touched a bootloader"