View Full Version : 16F88 pinout question

- 11th January 2014, 05:28
Hello Guys,

Just a quick question, if I'm not mistaken, on a 16F88 I can connect 15 LEDs to it?

8 LEDs on the "B" port and 7 LEDs on the "A" port? And, one A pin as an input, right?



- 11th January 2014, 08:38
Yes, PortA.5 is input only, all the other can be outputs, so 15 outputs in total, if using the internal oscillator.
Watch the total current consumption if you plan to drive the LEDs directly from the PIC, max current into the Vdd pin (and/or out of the Vss pin) is 200mA, and max 100mA total, per port.


- 11th January 2014, 17:09
Actually if you've got fifteen outputs, 8 on PortA and 7 on PortB, you could have 210 diodes if you Charlieplex them.

This link shows how I did 20 LEDs on 5 pins. http://www.picbasic.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?t=14439http://www.picbasic.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?t=14439

Could save you a few port pins you could use for something else.

- 13th January 2014, 02:51
Thanks Guys! :) Actually, I'm connecting fifteen PICs to one PIC (all 16F88), like in a master/slave configuration. When one pin is "on" on the master, the PIC connected to that pin will do something...

AvionicsMaster1, that seems nice! I have a few 10x10 LED matrix I never used before, got them as samples, will try something with them..