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View Full Version : RF transmitter, RS232, and Visual Basic

- 26th December 2003, 14:51
I'm working on a project now and it is a barometer that displays the air pressure value (thanks Darrel) :) , altitude, temperature,date and time on the Hitachi 44780 LCD.

Now that ir's done, i'm thinking of ways to improvise this project and i want to interface the barometer with a PC (wireless) using Visual Basic.NET. In this way, the PC will be able to show and record the readings of the barometer at selected time intervals.

I plan to use the TX2 RF transmitter, RX2 RF receiver from Radiometrix and MAYBE the MC145026 encoder, MC145027 decoder(Motorola) and the RS232 serial port (if needed).

In simplier words, how can i interface the PIC16F877 with a computer using wireless transmission?

Is there anyone who can help me on this or point to me some resources worth looking at?


- 29th December 2003, 10:49
Rx and Tx are pretty easy from the serial port in VB, just use the MSCOMM control.


- 23rd January 2004, 19:42
On the wireless end you can bypass the RF transmitter/reciever units and get a hold of RS232 transmitter and reciever from Abacomtech.com. As long as the data is in serial format you can connect it directly via the rs232 port directly to the transmitter and reciever and then sort it out on your pic serial input. Hope that helps.