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- 10th June 2005, 15:07
It would be real beaut if there were 2 additional functions, which would suit a lot of stuff I am doing:
1. DTMF decoding and converting to ASCII
2. FREQIN to about 10kHz

As I say, these would suit me a whole lot.

J. Mark Wolf
- 31st October 2005, 13:33
32-bit interger math (longs) would be very nice. DIV32 helps but "real" longs would be very nice.

- 3rd November 2005, 14:56
Hello Muddy,

Your frequency can easily be calculated by using Pulsin in a subroutine...This has not been tested, but the idea is there. I wrote one a long time ago for RPM on a 2 stroke airplane engine.

Pulsin Pin1, 1 ,Pos 'measures the positive Pulse
Pulsin Pin1, 0, Neg 'measures the negative Pulse.
Wavelength/cycle=Pos + neg 'Adds them together for the full length
Frequency=1000/Wavelength '(in ms)
Frequency=1000000/Wavelength '(in us)
return Frequency

DTMF is a frequency...Thus the above routine can measure the frequence of the DTMF and tell you which number you pressed...


Charles Linquis
- 5th November 2005, 17:44
32 bit integers. Better interrupt support would be nice too.

- 6th November 2005, 14:31
Hello Muddy,

Your frequency can easily be calculated by using Pulsin in a subroutine...This has not been tested, but the idea is there. I wrote one a long time ago for RPM on a 2 stroke airplane engine.

Pulsin Pin1, 1 ,Pos 'measures the positive Pulse
Pulsin Pin1, 0, Neg 'measures the negative Pulse.
Wavelength/cycle=Pos + neg 'Adds them together for the full length
Frequency=1000/Wavelength '(in ms)
Frequency=1000000/Wavelength '(in us)
return Frequency

DTMF is a frequency...Thus the above routine can measure the frequence of the DTMF and tell you which number you pressed...


Hi, Dwayne

Just a little example of what you wrote ... also applied to a model RPM Meter !!!

DTMF might be a little trickier as there are TWO mixed frequencies ... but there are cheap and excellent DTMF decoders on the market ...
Why re-invent the wheel ???


- 6th November 2005, 18:51
Even if it's not important.. it could be interesting to have

Hardware and Software block definition

' Lcd
' ---
With LCD
Data = PORTA,0 ' Set data pin of LCD to

RS = PORTB,4 ' Set RS bit of LCD to

E = PORTB,5 ' Set E bit of LCD to

LINES = 4 ' 4 Lines LCD
COMMANDUS = 2000 ' Command delay time in uSec
DATAUS = 50 ' Data delay time in uSec

Same for all other function like DEBUG, HPWM, HSERIN....

I/O Alias block

.0 = SCL
.1 = SDA
.2 = StatusLED

Variable type block


- 21st November 2005, 08:11
Hello alain,

DTMF decoders are very hard to find. I know there are many models on the market but they seem to be unavailable.

Clare, Motorola, SDI, TI and some others manufacturers have stated the end of manufacture for this part!

Zarlink are another company that make this part, but they are not interested to sell it for an order under 10000 units.

I think a function like DTMF Decoding would be very interesting in the next release of PBP.


- 21st November 2005, 09:51
Hi, Martin

Opening my favourite component retailer cat. I find at once the TCM5089 ...second the MT8870 from MITEL ...
so, you're in Canada ... lots of differences from here.

THE Heavy method is found in the NE/SE 567 Datasheet : 4 couples of PLL circuits ... but, I think there's an easier way.
