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View Full Version : Wow! Lotsa Trolls here today!

- 21st December 2013, 22:08
Someone leave the door to Middle Earth open or something? There's trolls everywhere!

- 21st December 2013, 22:13
Christmas happened.

We started zapping them at 5:30 this morning.


Edit: I think the last few put us at 80 just for today.

- 22nd December 2013, 09:15
I can't wrap my head arounnd what they think they're going to get out of spamming a technical forum (or any forum for that matter) with just bulshit. I mean, why even bother, why spend the time - I don't get it. Who are these people (or, if it's automated, who are the people behind it) and what's the purpose? Idiots....

Or perhaps they just want people to waste their time, in which case they've kind of succeeded, I just spent two minutes writing this. Idiots....

- 22nd December 2013, 14:12
Sadly, they do it because SPAM works. It's simply a numbers game. It seems 0.1% to 0.2% of people respond to SPAM, even here. There's an interesting article on the subject:
Why SPAM works (http://www.businessinsider.com/why-spam-works-2013-8)

- 22nd December 2013, 19:18
Sadly, they do it because SPAM works. It's simply a numbers game. It seems 0.1% to 0.2% of people respond to SPAM, even here. There's an interesting article on the subject:
Why SPAM works (http://www.businessinsider.com/why-spam-works-2013-8)

Interesting article. However, some kind of filtering should be put in place in this forum. Like for example, first time posters should need to be approved by a moderator.

- 22nd December 2013, 19:23
For two days I am banning a lot of new users or bot users.

They do register with a blasting rate... I can't follow them. Have sent to Lester a PM to see if there is a back door wide open.

It is getting really annoying.


- 22nd December 2013, 20:09
I don't remember, do new members have to confirm by email?

Also, does the forum application have the garbled text that you have to type in?


- 22nd December 2013, 20:37
I think not. And seems that all this crap is done automatic. A script or something is doing it...


- 23rd December 2013, 01:12
If you think this is bad, take a look at the Microchip Forums (http://www.microchip.com/forums/search.aspx?searchfor=today) - 100+ spam posts daily for months now.


- 23rd December 2013, 03:37
The crypt has opened. I've zapped quite a few with random names. Definitely script puppies