View Full Version : Question: PICs with two configuration words versus one, e.g., 16F88 versus 12F683

- 11th December 2013, 22:49
Please show me how to organize the configuration bits for PICs with more than one configuration word in the same format that they can be organized for PICs with a single configuration word. There are two code samples: one is for a 12F683 and the configuration bits are organized the way I like to see them; the second is for a 16F88 and the configuration bits are in a long string, but I would like to know how to organize them like they are organized in the 12F683 file. Thanks

' Name: 16F88 Blink1.pbp
' Compiler: PICBASIC PRO Compiler 3
' Assembler: MPASM
' Author:
' Target PIC: 16F88
' Hardware: CRH Breadboard
' Oscillator: 4MHz Internal
' Date: 10 Dec 2013
' Description:

'Device Configuration
#IF __PROCESSOR__ = "16F88"
#MSG "Wrong microcontroller selected!"

'Register Initialization
TRISB = %11111110 ' Sets up RB0 pin of PORTB as an output
' and pins RB7-RB1 of PORTB as inputs
OSCCON = $60 ' Sets the internal oscillator in the
' 16F88 to 4 MHz

'Main Code
start: ' Label for beginning loop
PORTB.0 = 1 ' Makes pin PORTB.0,(RB0), output HIGH (+5 volts)
Pause 500 ' Pause 500 milliseconds (0.5 seconds) with LED on
PORTB.0 = 0 ' Makes pin PORTB.0,(RB0), output LOW (0 volts)
Pause 500 ' Pause 500 milliseconds (0.5 seconds) with LED off
GoTo start ' Jump to loop label
' Makes the program run forever.

End ' This line is in case the
' the program gets lost.

' Name: 12F683 HPWM.pbp
' Compiler: PICBASIC PRO Compiler 3
' Assembler: MPASM
' Author:
' Target PIC: 12F683
' Hardware: CRH Breadboard
' Oscillator: 8MHz Internal
' Date: 1 Nov 2013
' Description:

' Device Configuration:
#IF __PROCESSOR__ = "12F683"
cfg1 = _INTRC_OSC_NOCLKOUT ; Internal oscillator
cfg1&= _WDT_OFF ; Watch Dog Timer disabled
cfg1&= _PWRTE_ON ; Power-up Timer enabled
cfg1&= _MCLRE_OFF ; Master Clear Reset disabled
cfg1&= _CP_OFF ; Program Code Protection disabled
cfg1&= _CPD_OFF ; Data Code Protection is disabled
cfg1&= _BOD_OFF ; Brown-out Detect disabled
cfg1&= _IESO_OFF ; Internal External Switchover mode disabled
cfg1&= _FCMEN_OFF ; Fail-safe Clock Monitor disabled
__CONFIG cfg1 ; Set the configuration bits
#MSG "Wrong microcontroller selected!"

' Register Initializations:
ADCON0 = 0
CMCON0 = 7 ' Comparators off.
GPIO = 0
OSCCON = %01110001 ' Internal 8MHz osc.
CCP1CON = %00001100 ' CCP1, PWM mode
CCPR1L = 0
T2CON = %00000101 ' TMR2 on, prescaler 1:4
PR2 = 250 ' Set the PWM period.

' Includes:

' Defines:

' Constants:

' Variables:

' Aliases and modifiers:
Speed var CCPR1L
Btn Var GPIO.4 ' Assuming ; the pin is pulled down to GND by 10K resistor, and button pulls it high to Vdd.
' LED is connected to GPIO.2 (on board PWM module)

' Program Code:
pause 10

if btn then
if speed + 51 < 256 then ' 0, 51, 102, 153, 204, 255 0
speed = speed + 51
speed = 0
while btn : pause 20 : wend
pause 2
goto Start

- 12th December 2013, 11:29
Tracecom, Either way is acceptable, There are 2 configuration words for the F88 processor. There are even more for some of the higher end processors. I don't understand the question?

- 12th December 2013, 12:46
Tracecom, Either way is acceptable, There are 2 configuration words for the F88 processor. There are even more for some of the higher end processors. I don't understand the question?

Thanks for the response. I know that both ways work, but I want to use the same style layout for the 16F88 as for the 12F683. I have tried several times to rearrange the 16F88 configuration in a vertical list instead of a long horizontal string, but can't get it to compile.

Darrel Taylor
- 12th December 2013, 17:10
cfg1 = _INTRC_IO ; Internal Oscillator
cfg1&= _CP_OFF ; Code protection OFF
cfg1&= _CCP1_RB0 ; CCP1 function on RB0
cfg1&= _DEBUG_OFF ; In-Circuit Debugger Disabled
cfg1&= _WRT_PROTECT_OFF ; Flash Program Memory Write Enable bits
cfg1&= _CPD_OFF ; Data EE Memory Code Protection Disabled
cfg1&= _LVP_OFF ; Low Voltage Programming Disabled
cfg1&= _BODEN_OFF ; Brown-out Reset Enable bit
cfg1&= _MCLR_OFF ; Master Clear Reset Disabled
cfg1&= _PWRTE_ON ; Power-up Timer Enabled
cfg1&= _WDT_OFF ; Watch-Dog Timer Disabled
__CONFIG _CONFIG1, cfg1 ; -- Set config word 1

cfg2 = _IESO_OFF ; Internal External Switchover Disabled
cfg2&= _FCMEN_OFF ; Fail-Safe Clock Monitor Disabled
__CONFIG _CONFIG2, cfg2 ; -- Set config word 2

- 12th December 2013, 17:40
Thank you, Darrel.