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View Full Version : How to use the 18F2420

- 8th June 2005, 14:51
I want to compile Code for the 18F2420. Is there any support in PBP ?
Are there new Include-Files ?

- 8th June 2005, 16:43
BigWumpus, the 2431 was added in version 2.45.The 2410,2420,2455,2480 were added in version 2.46 so unless you have version 2.46 you need to upgrade.

Dave Purola,

- 8th June 2005, 19:27
I see the problem...

The next problem:
Compiling for the PIC18 you must use the MPASM instead of the Assembler from MeLabs. So you have to use another syntax!
And the MicroCode Studio doesn't jump to the the errors inside the Source.

So I think of switching to the Proton, but No-one is able to talk about that product in this forum.

- 8th June 2005, 21:30
It's not that you can't talk about Proton here which is really for MeLab's PICBasic, it's just that there is a better place to discuss Proton... go here... where the knowlegeable people that use Proton reside...


- 26th July 2006, 08:20
Hi there,i am trying to migrate from PIC16F877 to some higher speed Microcontroller like PIC18F series i need 5 PWM channel or more and 10 bit ACD Resolution,USB compatible ,40 I/O pin or more basically i am using it to control motor and also some automation purposes.Can anyone recommend some of the robust PIC18F series?