View Full Version : China pcb manufacture experience

- 30th November 2013, 01:31
Hi guys,

being in Australia , china is the best option for manufacture of PCB's as OZ is not cheep and in some cases local australian companies outsource to china , and take a cut to mange and deliver the PCB
i often do prototype designs that require PCB's in limited quantity , but they have gone to large quantities depending on the requirements.

I have not as yet got china to do assembly but will arrange part supply via a resourcing company soon to see on cost / quality of small runs

I recently went to tender with 8 PCB manufactures in china for a total of 4 PCBS , ranging in size largest being 1250mm x 40mm , all 1.6, 1oz, 2 x silkscreen , with some with cutouts.

The PCB were Prototypes and as such expected to be redone when final design is completed , so cost per PCB , engineering cost inc fly probe / E-testing , Freight ,paiste stencil , make up the per board cost , all quoted on a 50 , 100 quantity , but sample cost of 10 were an option as well.

Final Selection assessment of the companies was done as follows in order

1. Total Price per board( including all engineering costs , able to make all boards including the very long 1250mm board ( not all can in FR4 to that size)
1.a all the quoted PCB have to be made by the same company to eliminate higher freight and other often get a combined lower quote for manufacture
1.b in most cases the total cost of 100 is only slightly more than cost of 50 , and of 10 , only real variable is the weight in the freight costs

2. company been in business time frame,
3. company certification details in PCB , and verifiable - need to ring company directly and obtain copies
4. 2 reference of contacts of companies they had done work for in preferable in australia, but also england , usa that could be contacted directly for quality of their boards assessment
5. best shipping price ( this is also can be higher than the PCB cost, and where they can make up on short fall cost for their PCB manufacture quotes )
6. payable via PayPal - as all pricing in china is based on the USD- and the exchange rate costs using Weston Union is slightly less , but to do on line you pay via credit card , and as such most australian banks treat any payment to
Western Union as a cash advance transaction and will charge a higher rate on those purchases , and also will change every month onwards for that higher interest rate on that amount , until the credit card is
fully payed off - DONT GET CAUGHT OUT
7. no additional fees when paying via PAYPAL

All companies seem to use DHL , Fedex, UPS as the base line for quote freight , rare is china/ hong kong post , but can be an option if you insist

Notes ON the PCB requirement/ quotes

1. the PCB to be made had a clearance of .05mm most was smd parts and the expected PCB yield rate from the factory can be lower , so they build that into the price quote
2. a lot of china PCB manufactures have agents that deal with quotes and as such the PCB may be actually manufactured by some of the same companies is good to get this information as the more complex the PCB ( especially aluminium PCB) , the cost Ver quality can vary a lot )
3. best quotes that your interested in deal / chat by online skype to the sales , it saves a lot of emails and any design option that affect price / quality can be found out prior to end selection of vendor.
4. often you can advise the company that is a bit high on engineering cost of a compedive quote and get a better quote , depending on the quantity and requirement for reoccuring PCB manufacture

companies approached and responded with a quote were

Wenzhou Walbond Electronic Co., Ltd.
Quzhou Chuante Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd
king victory electronics Co.,Ltd
Shenzhen Tianweisheng Electronic Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Xinjiaye Electronics Technology Co.Ltd
Dalian Ben Li Da Electronics Co.,Ltd.

the companies selected for final costing and verifications were

Quzhou Chuante Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd
king victory electronics Co.,Ltd -
Shenzhen Tianweisheng Electronic Co., Ltd.

the company i went with is
king victory electronics Co.,Ltd , which is a sales agent for Kartin manufactures

They met all of my selection critira , as did the other 2 , but price , able to make a large board of 1250mm long in FR4, using HAL , conversations with the pcb manufactures help determine the results

Hope this may help others when looking for a PCB manufacturer in china



- 12th July 2014, 10:22
Did read your post and you have selection parameters but Would like to suggest services of Yucha Electronics , One of leading PCBA Manufacturers in China (http://www.joga-pcba.com) . With 25 years of experience and clientele include giant companies like Sony and Samsung . Plz review http://www.joga-pcba.com

- 12th July 2014, 15:57
Joga, why not start a thread advertising your own company instead of posting in Sheldon's impartial review?

Sheldon, excellent review, very detailled.


- 13th July 2014, 02:33
yes i tend to get a lot of prototype designs done , but some times the setup cost and freight is a killer

- 15th July 2014, 10:02
In prototype stage, normally, our customer need about 5 -10 pcs.
For 2 Layer PCB, the price is 139USD. It even include startup cost and freight.
Regarding more quantity PCBs , it only add little extra cost.
Would you mind add www.nexpcb.com to your supplier list?

- 18th August 2016, 16:28
Still don't have any experience. I use Pcbcart more.