- 27th November 2013, 00:23
To install PBP in MPLAB X 1.95:
0) First download MPLAB X from and install it, then run.'<< Added later
1) Go to Tools>Plugins
2) Select tab Available Plugins
3) Mark PBP Tool Chain and PicBasic Language Syntax
4) Click "Install"(Require internet connection), after installation plugins should be visible in installed tab
5) Restart MPLAB X
6) Tools>Option
7) Select tab Embedded then click "Add...",
8) Browse to "C:\PBP3", do not open folder, just select.
9) And that's all, folks:)
To create new project:
1) File>New project>"Next"
2) chose PIC>"Next"
3) Select programmer/Debugger>"Next"
4) Select PICBasic pro>"Next"
5) Enter project name, Set as Main Project>"Finish"
Now add source file:
1) Right click on Source Files in project tree
2) New>Other> click Basic directory, select PICBASIC file>"Next"
3) Enter name(Must be without spaces)>Finish, Now file is visible in project tree.
Enable Long
4) File>Project Properties> PBPW> check PBPL Compilation.
Add few lines, try to debug... Right click on toolbar to customize, to add step, Add PIC memory view, configuration bits, etc...
Now there is little problem with debugging WORD and LONG var's and bit's. Just with that:)
As you can see, only first byte is showing.
Add new watch, but this time by entering address of variable, not name.
Watch are case sensitive.
And select size of var(WORD=16bit, Long=32 bits),
And now we can see actual value in variables.
Define byte container for bits, eg
BitCont var byte
LightOn var BitCont.0
And then add BitCont to watch... Another way is to find PBP's byte container in .mac file if I can remember correctly. Right click to customize layout...
Note that address of Z isn't same. So watch out for that. Every time when variables is added/removed, check address...
Check out local history by right click on file name
And save often, sometimes when I pres shift and "[" or "]" by mistakes, it should just add char "{" or "}" but 99,9 won't add char, it will freeze...
On 1.70 version after minute or so you can click save button if you have luck. On this version seems to stuck forever...
I hope this will be helpful...
0) First download MPLAB X from and install it, then run.'<< Added later
1) Go to Tools>Plugins
2) Select tab Available Plugins
3) Mark PBP Tool Chain and PicBasic Language Syntax
4) Click "Install"(Require internet connection), after installation plugins should be visible in installed tab
5) Restart MPLAB X
6) Tools>Option
7) Select tab Embedded then click "Add...",
8) Browse to "C:\PBP3", do not open folder, just select.
9) And that's all, folks:)
To create new project:
1) File>New project>"Next"
2) chose PIC>"Next"
3) Select programmer/Debugger>"Next"
4) Select PICBasic pro>"Next"
5) Enter project name, Set as Main Project>"Finish"
Now add source file:
1) Right click on Source Files in project tree
2) New>Other> click Basic directory, select PICBASIC file>"Next"
3) Enter name(Must be without spaces)>Finish, Now file is visible in project tree.
Enable Long
4) File>Project Properties> PBPW> check PBPL Compilation.
Add few lines, try to debug... Right click on toolbar to customize, to add step, Add PIC memory view, configuration bits, etc...
Now there is little problem with debugging WORD and LONG var's and bit's. Just with that:)
As you can see, only first byte is showing.
Add new watch, but this time by entering address of variable, not name.
Watch are case sensitive.
And select size of var(WORD=16bit, Long=32 bits),
And now we can see actual value in variables.
Define byte container for bits, eg
BitCont var byte
LightOn var BitCont.0
And then add BitCont to watch... Another way is to find PBP's byte container in .mac file if I can remember correctly. Right click to customize layout...
Note that address of Z isn't same. So watch out for that. Every time when variables is added/removed, check address...
Check out local history by right click on file name
And save often, sometimes when I pres shift and "[" or "]" by mistakes, it should just add char "{" or "}" but 99,9 won't add char, it will freeze...
On 1.70 version after minute or so you can click save button if you have luck. On this version seems to stuck forever...
I hope this will be helpful...