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View Full Version : Compiling problems

- 6th June 2005, 08:17
Good morning from Athens,

I used 16f627.Because my code is too big I CHANGE my pic to 16F628A.
While I compile my code I have the same message :

Error OLDNICK.ASM 873 : [218]address limit of 7ffh exceeded
Error OLDNICK.ASM 874 : [218]address limit of 7ffh exceeded
Error OLDNICK.ASM 875 : [218]address limit of 7ffh exceeded
Error OLDNICK.ASM 876 : [218]address limit of 7ffh exceeded
Error OLDNICK.ASM 876 : [300]too many errors

My version of PBP is 2.45a

- 6th June 2005, 08:59
you running out of code space... do a simple compile test with 16F877 .

- 6th June 2005, 09:26
Dear Steve,

I do not think that I am running out of code space.I clame that because while I was forming my code step by step,using the 16f627, I run out of code space(1024 words).
I replace the pic with the 16f628a(2048 words) adding only 10 commands.

How can I see how many words I am using?

- 6th June 2005, 09:52

You are right.I am running out of code space!!
I decrease some commands and it is ok now

Best regards
Nikos Geronikolos

Ruben Pena
- 7th June 2005, 00:58
You can add the extra commands and use a 16F648A. It doubles the 16F628.
Ruben de la Pena.