View Full Version : LCD Inverter

- 21st September 2013, 11:25
I want to make a LCD Inverter. I already made a program in picbasic pro. But I could not complete the PWM part. I want 2 channel PWM output at 50Hz fixed frequency and variable voltage(Feedback). Anybody plz help me quickly.......

- 12th November 2013, 12:44
My friend, with all concern and due respect, I offer this help: Here is a classroom, not a factory and answers are not doled out as if from a vending machine. It is a resource, not a store.

Post what you have done for yourself - the programming, a schematic, perhaps a picture if it is convenient. Ask for someone to take an interest. There are those here who have knowledge beyond your need and they will gladly trade it with you – for your effort and willingness to learn. Do not think them harsh or miserly for their cost as knowledge is a gift beyond price and, at the end, you shall have more than money can buy.

Try again, offer to learn and exercise patience… in this way you respect their effort and gain full value of the time spent for yourself as well.

- 28th March 2014, 18:19