View Full Version : Having issues with Read and Write Fcn's

- 7th June 2013, 01:36
I need to use the internal eeprom to store three variables that are set up on a serial menu.
The serial menu is available at boot up. I check the content of the eeprom with the read command in my menu.
That is right all the time. When I shut down the board, I usually lose the data and it gives me back crap. Any Ideas?



' SOURCE CODE Version A4 – PIC18F26k80
' 4 Mhz

DEFINE OSC 4 'tells compiler clock speed
OSCCON = 011010 'tells pic clock speed

DEFINE ADC_BITS 12 'tells software / hardware to setup the ADC
ADCON2.7 = 1
ten con 10
define HSER2_TXSTA 20h
Define HSER2_BAUD 2400
define HSER2_SPBRG 25
define HSER2_SPBRGH 0
define HSER2_CLROERR 1

TRISC.1 = 0 'led pin 9 - yellow
TRISC.7 = 1
TRISB.4 = 0 'pin 22 heater 1
TRISA = 255 'set pins as analog inputs

a1 VAR Word: a2 VAR Word: a3 Var word: a4 var word: a5 var word: a6 var word: a7 var word: a8 var word: a9 var word: a10 var word
b1 VAR Word: b2 VAR Word: b3 Var word: b4 var word: b5 var word: b6 var word: b7 var word: b8 var word: b9 var word: b10 var word
af var word: bf var word
mVT var word: mVS var word
ET var word: ES var word
rx var word: i var word: j var long: k var word: d0 var long: d1 var long: d2 var word: d3 var word: d4 var word: d5 var word: d6 var word
sernum var long: calcon var long: senres var long
dat var word[10]

High PORTB.4 ' Pin 22 - heater
High PORTC.1 ' Pin 9 yellow LED
pause 1000
'HSerOUT ["Ready ", 13, 10]

HSERIN 1000, mainloop, [rx]
if rx = 120 then
HSerOUT [" Ca Mode Activated", 13, 10, 10,10,10,10]
RCSTA.4 = 0
RCSTA.4 = 1
RCSTA.4 = 0
RCSTA.4 = 1
goto menue
pause 5000
senres = 0
calcon = 0
sernum = 0
read 40, long sernum
read 20, long calcon
read 0, long senres
hserout[" Sen Res = ",dec senres,10,13]
hserout[" CalCon = ",dec calcon,10,13]
hserout[" Ser # = ",dec sernum,10,13]

toggle PORTC.1 'Pin 9 yellow LED
pause 499
ADCIN 3,b10 'Read sensor on pin 3 ADC3
b1=b2: b2=b3: b3=b4: b4=b5: b5=b6: b6=b7: b7=b8: b8=b9: b9=b10
bf=(b10+b9+b8+b7+b6+b5+b4+b3+b2+b1)/10 'avarage
mVS = (bf/4095)*5 'convert to PPM
ES = mVS
Pause 500
'sample #, raw temperture, temp degrees C, on time, offtime, sensor, boxcar sensor, PPM
HSerOUT [dec sernum, " ", dec ET, " ", dec ES, 13, 10]
pause 1000
GoTo mainloop

pause 1000
HSerOUT [" Send C for calabrate or R to read back, D when done.", 13, 10]
i = 0
if rx = 82 then
HSerOUT [" Read", 13,10]
pause 1000
senres = 0
calcon = 0
sernum = 0
read 40, long sernum
read 20, long calcon
read 0, long senres
HSerOUT [" Serial # =", dec sernum, " Calibration Number =", dec calcon, " Sensor resistance =", dec senres, 13,10]
hserout [" :)", 13,10]
elseif rx = 68 then
HSerOUT [" Done", 13,10]
pause 1000
goto mainloop
elseif rx = 67 then
HSerOUT [" Calibralte ", 13,10,10,10]
HSerOUT [" Send Resistance: (Like 999999, Max Vaue)",13,10]
d5 = 0: d4 = 0: d3 = 0: d2 = 0: d1 = 0: d0 = 0
for i = 0 to 10 step 1
HSerOUT [rx]
dat[i] = rx
if rx = 13 then
j = 0
if i = 6 then
'hserout[" 6 ",10]
d0 = dat[0]: d1 = dat[1]: d2 = dat[2]: d3 = dat[3]: d4 = dat[4]: d5 = dat[5]
d0 = (d0-48)*100000
d1 = (d1-48)*10000
d2 = (d2-48)*1000
d3 = (d3-48)*100
d4 = (d4-48)*10
d5 = (d5-48)
j = d0+d1+d2+d3+d4+d5
elseif i = 5 then
'hserout[" 5 ",10]
d0 = dat[0]: d1 = dat[1]: d2 = dat[2]: d3 = dat[3]: d4 = dat[4]
d0 = (d0-48)*10000
d1 = (d1-48)*1000
d2 = (d2-48)*100
d3 = (d3-48)*10
d4 = (d4-48)
j = d0+d1+d2+d3+d4
elseif i = 4 then
'hserout[" 4 ",10]
d0 = dat[0]: d1 = dat[1]: d2 = dat[2]: d3 = dat[3]
d0 = (d0-48)*1000
d1 = (d1-48)*100
d2 = (d2-48)*10
d3 = (d3-48)
j = d0+d1+d2+d3
elseif i = 3 then
'hserout[" 3 ",10]
d0 = dat[0]: d1 = dat[1]: d2 = dat[2]
d0 = (d0-48)*100
d1 = (d1-48)*10
d2 = (d2-48)
j = d0+d1+d2
elseif i = 2 then
'hserout[" 2 ",10]
d0 = dat[0]: d1 = dat[1]
d0 = (d0-48)*10
d1 = d1-48
j = d0+d1
elseif i = 1 then
'hserout[" 1 ",10]
d0 = dat[0]
j = d0-48
i = 11
hserout[" j = ",dec j,10,13]
senres = j
write 0, long senres
write 0, long senres
next i
pause 1500
HSerOUT [" Send Ca con: (Ex 9999.99, Max Value)"]
d5 = 0: d4 = 0: d3 = 0: d2 = 0: d1 = 0: d0 = 0
for i = 0 to 10 step 1
HSerOUT [rx]
dat[i] = rx
if rx = 13 then
j = 0
if i = 6 then
'hserout[" 6 ",10]
d0 = dat[0]: d1 = dat[1]: d2 = dat[2]: d3 = dat[3]: d4 = dat[4]: d5 = dat[5]
d0 = (d0-48)*100000
d1 = (d1-48)*10000
d2 = (d2-48)*1000
d3 = (d3-48)*100
d4 = (d4-48)*10
d5 = (d5-48)
j = d0'+d1+d2+d3+d4+d5
elseif i = 5 then
' hserout[" 5 ",10]
d0 = dat[0]: d1 = dat[1]: d2 = dat[2]: d3 = dat[3]: d4 = dat[4]
d0 = (d0-48)*10000
d1 = (d1-48)*1000
d2 = (d2-48)*100
d3 = (d3-48)*10
d4 = (d4-48)
j = d0+d1+d2+d3+d4
elseif i = 4 then
'hserout[" 4 ",10]
d0 = dat[0]: d1 = dat[1]: d2 = dat[2]: d3 = dat[3]
d0 = (d0-48)*1000
d1 = (d1-48)*100
d2 = (d2-48)*10
d3 = (d3-48)
j = d0+d1+d2+d3
elseif i = 3 then
'hserout[" 3 ",10]
d0 = dat[0]: d1 = dat[1]: d2 = dat[2]
d0 = (d0-48)*100
d1 = (d1-48)*10
d2 = (d2-48)
j = d0+d1+d2
elseif i = 2 then
'hserout[" 2 ",10]
d0 = dat[0]: d1 = dat[1]
d0 = (d0-48)*10
d1 = d1-48
j = d0+d1
elseif i = 1 then
'hserout[" 1 ",10]
d0 = dat[0]
j = d0-48
i = 11
hserout[" j = ",dec j,10,13]
senres = j
j = 0
write 20, long senres
write 20, long senres
next i
pause 1500
HSerOUT [" Send serial number: (Ex 123456)"]
d5 = 0: d4 = 0: d3 = 0: d2 = 0: d1 = 0: d0 = 0
for i = 0 to 10 step 1
HSerOUT [rx]
dat[i] = rx
if rx = 13 then
j = 0
if i = 6 then
'hserout[" 6 ",10]
d0 = dat[0]: d1 = dat[1]: d2 = dat[2]: d3 = dat[3]: d4 = dat[4]: d5 = dat[5]
d0 = (d0-48)*100000
d1 = (d1-48)*10000
d2 = (d2-48)*1000
d3 = (d3-48)*100
d4 = (d4-48)*10
d5 = (d5-48)
j = d0+d1+d2+d3+d4+d5
elseif i = 5 then
'hserout[" 5 ",10]
d0 = dat[0]: d1 = dat[1]: d2 = dat[2]: d3 = dat[3]: d4 = dat[4]
d0 = (d0-48)*10000
d1 = (d1-48)*1000
d2 = (d2-48)*100
d3 = (d3-48)*10
d4 = (d4-48)
j = d0+d1+d2+d3+d4
elseif i = 4 then
' hserout[" 4 ",10]
d0 = dat[0]: d1 = dat[1]: d2 = dat[2]: d3 = dat[3]
d0 = (d0-48)*1000
d1 = (d1-48)*100
d2 = (d2-48)*10
d3 = (d3-48)
j = d0+d1+d2+d3
elseif i = 3 then
'hserout[" 3 ",10]
d0 = dat[0]: d1 = dat[1]: d2 = dat[2]
d0 = (d0-48)*100
d1 = (d1-48)*10
d2 = (d2-48)
j = d0+d1+d2
elseif i = 2 then
'hserout[" 2 ",10]
d0 = dat[0]: d1 = dat[1]
d0 = (d0-48)*10
d1 = d1-48
j = d0+d1
elseif i = 1 then
'hserout[" 1 ",10]
d0 = dat[0]
j = d0-48
i = 11
hserout[" j = ",dec j,10,13]
sernum = j
j = 0
write 40, long sernum
write 40, long sernum
read 40, long j
hserout[" j = ",dec j,10,13]
next i
pause 3000
HSerOUT [" Done!", 13,10,10,10]
HSerOUT [" Not Valid", 13,10]
pause 1000
goto menue

- 7th June 2013, 02:54
Lots of problems.
The max value a word variable can store is 65536,
so what's this supposed to do:

d0 = (d0-48)*100000

Any value in other than zero in d0 will result in at least 1000000
which severely overflow that variable, and then you do it again and again.
and yes, I see you are subtracting from an ASCII value to acquire a real value.

It looks like you're also only reading and writing one byte to EEPROM
which might be fine as long as the value is always less than 256.
The long you are trying to write is likely four bytes.

Is there really a long variable type in PBP now?
Something like this might work if there is:

long j = 0;

long = long + (d0-48)*100000
long = long + (d1-48)*10000
long = long + (d2-48)*1000
long = long + (d3-48)*100
long = long + (d4-48)*10
long = long + (d5-48)

Depending on which var the left side of the sum is calculated in,
otherwise you'll need to be more creative.

- 7th June 2013, 04:33
With my compiler I have if I include "-n" in the command line it allows longs.

Please look at the section of code:

d0 = dat[0]: d1 = dat[1]: d2 = dat[2]: d3 = dat[3]: d4 = dat[4]: d5 = dat[5]
d0 = (d0-48)*100000
d1 = (d1-48)*10000
d2 = (d2-48)*1000
d3 = (d3-48)*100
d4 = (d4-48)*10
d5 = (d5-48)
j = d0+d1+d2+d3+d4+d5

This converts a string of char #'s into a integer I can store/use.
So If I sent the pic 745647 into a serial terminal, the pic would be able to use the integer number.
It doesn't over flow, I have tested it to 999999 w/o issue.
Per PBP Compiler manual, I can send the write command a long w/o issue.

write 0, long senres

When I read it back in the serial menu at this point:

if rx = 82 then 'found R
HSerOUT [" Read", 13,10]
pause 1000
senres = 0 ' clear all values
calcon = 0
sernum = 0
read 40, long sernum ' read them from EEPROM
read 20, long calcon
read 0, long senres
HSerOUT [" Serial # =", dec sernum, " Calibration Number =", dec calcon, " Sensor resistance =", dec senres, 13,10] ' Display
hserout [" :)", 13,10]

It reports the values expected. When The Pic reboots, the values are gone at boot:

pause 5000
senres = 0
calcon = 0
sernum = 0
read 40, long sernum
read 20, long calcon
read 0, long senres
hserout[" Sen Res = ",dec senres,10,13]
hserout[" CalCon = ",dec calcon,10,13]
hserout[" Ser # = ",dec sernum,10,13]

Any help would be great.

- 7th June 2013, 10:29
Sorry, I didn't see that the two highest vars are actually longs, and the rest are words.
My error.

With regard to longs in PBP, they are new to me.

- 12th June 2013, 17:56
First thing I noticed, since it recently bit me, is that some of your defines are lower case and some upper case. They must all me upper for PBP to read them.

I think your OSCCON number needs the percent sign %.

I was trying to read data sheet to look at rest and ran out of time. Try those fixes.

- 13th June 2013, 14:47
This is what fixed it:

HSERIN 1000, mainloop, [rx]if rx = 120 then HSerOUT [" Ca Mode Activated", 13, 10, 10,10,10,10] RCSTA.4 = 0 RCSTA.4 = 1 RCSTA.4 = 0 RCSTA.4 = 1 goto menueendifpause 5000senres = 0calcon = 0sernum = 0mainloop:read 40, long sernum
read 20, long calcon
read 0, long senres
inloop:toggle PORTC.1 'Pin 9 yellow LEDpause 499ADCIN 3,b10 'Read sensor on pin 3 ADC3b1=b2: b2=b3: b3=b4: b4=b5: b5=b6: b6=b7: b7=b8: b8=b9: b9=b10bf=(b10+b9+b8+b7+b6+b5+b4+b3+b2+b1)/10 'avaragemVS = (bf/4095)*5 'convert to PPMES = mVSPause 500'sample #, raw temperture, temp degrees C, on time, offtime, sensor, boxcar sensor, PPM HSerOUT [dec sernum, " ", dec ET, " ", dec ES, 13, 10]pause 1000GoTo inloop

who the hell knows why....

- 14th June 2013, 04:00
There's no returns in that.. it's hell to read.