View Full Version : Trying to emulate shift register

- 17th March 2013, 19:57
I am trying to emulate a shift register.
This is the code I have so far:

DEFINE OSC 8 ' 8 MHz. oscillator
CMCON = 7 ' 16F628, all digital
TRISA = %11111100 ' PORTA.0 and PORTA.1 are outputs
TRISB = 0 ' PORTB = Output

ClockPin var PORTA.2 ' Clock and Data line
DataPin Var PORTA.3

wvar Var Byte ' Variable
WVar = 0 ' Initialize to '0'

While ClockPin = 0 : wend ' Wait for clock to go '1'
wvar = wvar << 1 ' Shift value in wvar 1 Bit left
if DataPin = 1 then ' Dataline = '1'
wvar = wvar || 1 ' Increase value
else ' Dataline = '0'
wvar = wvar && 254 ' Last bit is zero
PORTB = wvar ' Set PORTB to wvar
while ClockPin = 1 : wend ' Wait for clock to go '0'
goto MainLoop ' Loop for ever

Is there an easier way to implement a shift register function?