View Full Version : MCP79410 good time keeping, No alarms?

- 26th February 2013, 22:13
My project uses a 16F886 @8Mhz and a MCP79410 RTCC. I am pleased with the digital calibration and the unit is keeping very accurate time. HOWEVER, I have been working with the Alarms for several days and I’m getting nowhere! I have three identical boards and the RTCC acts the same on all boards. I must be missing something!

MFP is tied to RB0 with pull up resistor and a button for manual interrupt with DT_INT’s. The button interrupt is working as expected.

The ISR checks to see if ALM0IF or ALM1IF has been set, if NOT the interrupt was caused by button press. The OLED notifies upon interrupt which flag is set, if any.

My major problem is that I can‘t get the darn thing to go into alarm state. I expect an interrupt if RTCC goes into alarm state, its not happening... No interrupt... No Alarm flag set. As I said all three board are working the same so it must be something in the setup I missed.

; Clock set to 0000, Alarm0 set, MFP set to Hi in default position, goes low on interrupt
rtcsec = %10000000 ;top 4 bits ST&tens, bottom 4 bits ones
rtcmin = %00000000 ;can be a Hex $ entry,
rtchour = %00000000 ;bit6,12/24hr : bit5 pm/am : bit4=tens : bottom 4bits=ones
rtcday = %00000001 ;oscon bit5 : Vbat bit4 : Vbaten bit3 : bit 2-0 day
rtcdate = %00000000
rtcmon = %00000000 ;bits4 tens : bottom 4 bits ones
rtcyear = %00000000
rtccon = %10010000 ;[OUT][SQWE][ALM1][ALM0][EXTOCS][RS2][RS1][RE0] CONTROL
rtccal = %00000000 ;Calibration
i2cwrite I2C_Dat, I2C_Clk, $DE,$00,[STR RTCbuffer\9] ' Write all 8 RTC reg

;Set Alarm0 for Lo on alarm interrupt, Alarm set to Seconds match, Seconds set to 15
Alrm0_sec = $0F
Alrm0_min = %00
Alrm0_hour = %00
Alrm0_day = %00 ; [ALM0POL][ ALM0C2][ALM0C1][ALM0C0][ ALM0IF ] [ DAY ] Addr 0Dh
Alrm0_date = %00
Alrm0_mon = %00
i2cwrite I2C_Dat, I2C_Clk, $DE,$0A,[STR Alrm0_buffer\6]

;Set Alarm1 for Lo on alarm interrupt, Alarm set to Seconds match, Seconds set to 15
Alrm1_sec = $0F
Alrm1_min = %00
Alrm1_hour = %00
Alrm1_day = %00 ; [ALM1POL][ ALM1C2][ALM1C1][ALM1C0][ ALM1IF ] [ DAY ] Addr 14h
Alrm1_date = %00
Alrm1_mon = %00
i2cwrite I2C_Dat, I2C_Clk, $DE,$11,[STR Alrm1_buffer\6]

OLED display posts a constant update of the clock. If I push the INT button, OLED post BIN value of Alrm0_day and Alrm1_day. This tells me if ALM0IF and ALM1IF is clear or set. Following my interpretation of the datasheet almost everything else is working as expected. Calibration works well, PWM on MFP works well, EEProm works well in Page Write and Byte Read, and ID is cool.

PBP I2C command doesn’ like the EEProm Random Read or Current Address Read. I guess some bit banging will be required. SRAM wants to give me back only seven bits instead of eight; what’s with that?
Any comments or direction will be appreciated!


- 3rd March 2013, 20:47
My testing shows that both my MCP7940 and MCP79410 will not alarm interrupt on seconds only.

When I setup Alarms to match on Min. the flags will set on both Alarms, however Alarm0 will not interrupt. Alarm1 will not clear flag with the same command structure used to clear flag Alarm0. Where’s my DS1307?

- 27th May 2013, 20:43
Hi MOUNTAIN747 (http://www.picbasic.co.uk/forum/member.php?u=10628), I am just starting to attempt to communicate with this RTC. Could you possibly share any more code for this project . Many thanks perkoperkins

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- 28th May 2013, 01:27
Hi perkoperkins, what are you having problems with? I can dig out several code blocks to assist you if you can tell me what you are trying to do. In the code from the first post the i2cwrite communication is all you need to talk to the RTCC to set the time.


- 28th May 2013, 19:44
Hi Wayne , Thanks for your promt reply !!.

Hardware Used -
Pic Used = PIC16F876A - 4MHZ External Xtal - SDA Port RC.4 - SCL Port RC.3 - Output ( Currently LCD ) but want to use a 4x7segment display. Using PBP 2.60.

I have uploaded what code I have so far, If you could pick out any errors for me that would be great. I'm fairly new to PBP and
this is the first time I have tried i2c. when i run this code the time and date is set but if i set ClkSec = %10000000 to start
the oscilator My seconds display 80 and start to count up . I read on Microchips Application note AN1491

" The recommended practice is to load the Time and Date registers from 0x01 through 0x06 and then load the Seconds register 0x00 with the ST (oscillator Start bit set, enabling the oscillator)."

When I try this though I get the wrong setting returned on the LCD. Is my method for converting the BCD to DEC correct ?

One more question sorry ! When the i2cread is read, do the variables need manually updating ie

RtcSec = (ClkBuffer[0])
RtcMin = (ClkBuffer[1])
Rtchour = (ClkBuffer[2])


Thankyou for taking the time to answer my questions , any help or code examples would be great. Can't find much code on
the net , other than for C.

Thanks Tim


( I'm hoping my code has appeared above if not ill try again )

- 28th May 2013, 19:54
Ill Try again - Hopefully will work this time

' ________________________ Chip Setup ___________________________

@ __config _XT_OSC & _WDT_OFF & _LVP_OFF & _CPD_OFF & _DEBUG_OFF

' ___________________ Definitions & LCD Definitions _____________

DEFINE OSC 4 ' Tell PBP using a 4 MHZ Crystal
define LCD_DREG PORTB ' Declare data bus port
define LCD_DBIT 0 ' Declare data bus starting address
define LCD_RSREG PORTC ' Declare Register Select
define LCD_RSBIT 7 ' port and bit
define LCD_EREG PORTC ' Declare Enable port and bit
define LCD_EBIT 6 ' Declare Enabit bit
define LCD_BITS 4 ' Declare no. of Bits
define LCD_LINES 2 ' Declare no. of lines

' _________________________ Variables ______________________________

BCDsecs var byte '
BCDmins var byte '
BCDHours var byte ' Conversion Variables
BCDday var byte '
BCDdate var byte '
BCDmon var byte '
BCDyear var byte '

' ______________________ Clock Variables ___________________________

ClkSec var byte '$00 ' Seconds Register
ClkMin var byte '$01 ' Minutes Register
ClkHour var byte '$02 ' Hours Register
ClkDay var byte '$03 ' Days Register
ClkDate var byte '$04 ' Date Register
ClkMonth var byte '$05 ' Month Register
ClkYear var byte '$06 ' Year Register
ClkCont var byte '$07 ' Control
ClkCal var byte '$08 ' Calibration
ClkBuffer var byte[9] ' Time Buffer

' ______________________ Alarm0 Variables ___________________________

Alm0Secs var byte '$0A ' Seconds Register
Alm0Mins var byte '$0B ' Minutes Register
Alm0Hour var byte '$0C ' Hours Register
Alm0Day var byte '$0D ' Days Register
Alm0Date var byte '$0E ' Date Register
Alm0Month var byte '$0F ' Month Register
Alm0Buff var byte[6]
' ______________________ Alarm0 Variables ___________________________

Alm1Secs var byte '$11 ' Seconds Register
Alm1Mins var byte '$12 ' Minutes Register
Alm1Hour var byte '$13 ' Hours Register
Alm1Day var byte '$14 ' Days Register
Alm1Date var byte '$15 ' Date Register
Alm1Month var byte '$16 ' Month Register
Alm1Buff var byte[6]

' _____________________ Pin Definitions _________________________

SDA var PORTC.4 ' Serial Data Pin RC.4 ( pin )
SCL var PORTC.3 ' Serial Data Pin RC.3 ( pin )
SetButt var PORTB.0 '
UpButt var PORTB.1
DownButt var PORTB.1

' ____________________ Inital time setup ________________________

ClkSec = %10000000;$00
ClkMin = $00
ClkHour = $00
ClkDay = $01
ClkDate = $17
ClkMonth = $10
ClkYear = $78
ClkCont = %10000000;$00
clkcal = $00

' _______________________ Main Program __________________________

pause 500
' Allow LCD to Wake Up !
gosub settime

goto Main

Main :
gosub gettime
gosub disptime
goto main

' _________________________ Subrountines ________________________

SetTime : ;$DE = write
i2cwrite sda, scl, $DE,$00,[str clkbuffer\9]
'i2cwrite sda, scl, $DE,$00,[clksec,clkmin,clkhour,clkday,clkdate,clkmonth,clky ear,clkcont,clkcal]
'i2cwrite sda, scl, $DE,$00,[clksec]

GetTime : ;$DF = read 11011111
i2cread sda, scl, $DF,$00,[str clkbuffer\9]
'i2cread sda, scl, $DF,$00,[clksec,clkmin,clkhour,clkday,clkdate,clkmonth,clky ear]

bcdsecs = (clksec>>4*10) + (clksec & %00001111) ; convert BCD to Decemal ??
bcdmins = (clkmin>>4*10) + (clkmin & %00001111) ;
bcdhours = (clkhour>>4*10) + (clkhour & %00001111) ;
BCDday = (clkday>>4*10) + (clkday & %00001111) ;
bcddate = (clkdate>>4*10) + (clkdate & %00001111) ;
bcdmon = (clkmonth>>4*10)+ (clkmonth & %00001111) ;
bcdyear = (clkyear>>4*10) + (clkyear & %00001111) ;


DispTime :

lcdout $FE,1,dec bcdhours,":",dec bcdmins,":",dec bcdsecs
lcdout $FE,$c0,dec bcddate,"/",dec bcdmon,"/",dec bcdyear
pause 100

' lcdout $FE,1,dec clkhour,":",dec clkmin,":",dec clksec
' lcdout $FE,$c0," ",dec clkdate,"/",dec clkmonth,"/",dec clkyear
' pause 100


- 29th May 2013, 15:47
Perkoperkins, sorry for the delay but in summer months I don’t work with PBP on a daily basses. I’ve looked over your BCD to DEC and I have some points to cover.

(clkday>>4*10) Look at the data sheet. Reg 03h day, this is a good example. You are shifting right then multiplying OSCON and VBAT by 10. Reg 03h will only require (clkday & %00001111). Check all your registers to insure your calculations only include relevant data.

Seconds register can be used to enable or disable the oscillator at any time. I load all registers with one pass of the programmer then use a second pass of the programmer to load seconds register only to sink time with the PC as best I can. Without writing a VB program to pull time from the PC I haven’t found a better way to set the clock.
The way your var’s are set up, yes, I think you need to update variable on each new pass of GetTime however this is not necessary if you change some variable structure. Look at some of Darrel Taylor’s links on this subject. The commented second line in GetTime will update, but Darrel’s is a technique you should try. External Modifiers
Darrel also explains using external modifiers which I think is a good practice. This will update your variables when you use GetTime and use the first line for i2cread.

ClkBuffer var byte [9]
ClkSec var byte = _ClkBuffer
ClkMin var byte = _ClkBuffer + 1
ClkHour var byte = _ClkBuffer + 2
ClkDay var byte = _ClkBuffer + 3
ClkSec var byte ext
ClkMin var byte ext
ClkHour var byte ext
ClkDay var byte ext

I'll look over some more of your program when I have time.

- 29th May 2013, 16:10
Thanks wayne much apreciated !!!!