View Full Version : PIC 16F877A Features?

- 6th February 2013, 10:09
Helo Mate,
Can anyone explain me how PIC 16F877A is varied from earlier versions of PIC Microcontroller?
and also provide Features of PIC 16F877A?

Thank You!

- 6th February 2013, 11:09
The features of any PIC microcontroller are highlighted in one of the very first pages in the datasheet for that specific device, here's a link to the datasheet for the 16F877A (http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/devicedoc/39582b.pdf).

In order to find out what's different compared to other PIC microcontrollers you need to compare your specific models to each other. If you're looking for the differences between the 16F877 and the 16F877A one of them is that the A model has analog comparators built in while the non-A version doesn't.