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View Full Version : Super low cost USB solution

- 9th January 2013, 04:18

Does anybody have a clever idea how to get a really low cost solution for a high volume mcu solution that needs USB. Does Microchip sell die solutions since the package will add too much to the costs.

I dont need a super MCU just something that can communicate with a PC and handle some simple stuff.. low power consumption is a must since it will be a battery powered device. Bonding on a PCB will not be a problem since there are companies that provide this service in my arena.

Maybe this is not the proper place to post and then it can be removed or deleted.

I know there are lots of people here with nice ideas.

Thank you!

- 18th January 2013, 01:09
I just use PL2303 usb to ttl converters and any PIC chip that I wanted. the PL2303 converters, I just bought a bunch of them for around $1.25USD with shipping included. I'd say that's cheap enough of a solution and have it just talking using virtual serial port. most older cell phone data cables used the same chip and most newer windows versions and linux versions have the driver built in.

- 18th January 2013, 11:21
The smallest, cheapest USB capable PIC costs about $1.50 in volume.

FTDI FT230X adds USB-232 to any PIC. It costs about $1.50 in volume.