- 24th December 2012, 03:12
I hate to say this has been a miserable experience, I have had no luck. I am trying to get the blink led program to work. I have had success using my new PICkit2 programmer (as the first non-PICkit2 programmer did not work) with the MPLAB IDE v8.88 code, and it worked and blinks nicely. But when I use PICBasic Pro to code the PIC16F628A it seems fine, but the LED does not blink.
If I use this code in the MPLAB IDE v8.88 and program the PIC16F628A using RB0 as the LED port it works fine. (not my code)
; ;
; PIC Microcontroller Tutorial Template ;
; ;
; By Brad Slattery 2009 ;
; ;
; [email protected] ;
; ;
; 'Designing electronic projects, ;
; to spread the name of Jesus' ;
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
; ;
; NOTE: If you are brand new to programming, then don't concern yourself to ;
; much with all of these initial lines of code. You can read up all about this ;
; at a later date if you wish. I'm sure that you would rather make an LED flash ;
; or make something interesting happen straight away right? ;
; All you have to know for now is that we will be placing our code just underneath ;
; the SETUP label, and then underneath the BEGIN label. it's really quite simple! ;
; ;
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
LIST p=16f628a ; tell assembler what chip we are using (if you are using the 16f628a, then
include "" ; make sure you change this line and the previous line to read p16f628a
__config h'3f18' ; sets the configuration settings - internal oscillator, watchdog timer OFF
; Power Up Timer DISABLED, Master Clear DISABLED, Brown Out Detect DISABLED,
; Low Voltage Programming DISABLED, Data EE Read Protect Disabled,
; Code Protect OFF. (this will remain the same for all tutorials)
PC equ h'02' ; The program counter will be refered to as PC - The program counter is
; a little counter within the microcontroller to let itself know what line number
; it is upto when running a program. We can make the microcontroller jump to a certain
; line number by changing the value stored in PC. (we will do this in a later tutorial)
cblock h'20' ; Within this cblock and endc, we can define our variables. More info on this, later.
delay_1 ; These next two lines will set aside 1byte of ram for delay_1 and 1byte for delay_2
delay_2 ; what we will do with these variables is load them with a number each so that we can
endc ; count down from that number to zero. when we reach zero, we continue with the program!
; more info on these two variables can be found in the delay routine.
org h'0000' ; This line just tells the microcontroller what address to start running our program from.
; It will always be 0000 hex for all the tutorials.
movlw h'07' ; This will turn the comparators OFF.
movwf CMCON ; (we just want to use the ports as digital ports)
bsf STATUS, RP0 ; select bank 1 (to enable us to change the Input / Output status of our ports)
movlw b'00000000' ; set PORTB all outputs (A '0' means output, A '1' means input. We can set each
movwf TRISB ; We can set each bit individualy. Each port having 8-bits or 8 pins.
movlw b'00100000' ; set PORTA all outputs except for bit 5. Bit 5 is an input ONLY pin.
movwf TRISA ; It cannot be set to an output!
bcf STATUS, RP0 ; select bank 0
setup ; I always have a title labeled 'setup' this is where we set everything up
; i.e. our variables and flags etc.. so they are ready for the main program
begin ; This is where our main program starts.
bsf PORTB, 0 ; set PORTB pin 0 to a logic 1 (turns the LED on)
call delay ; call the delay so that the LED stays on for a while
bcf PORTB, 0 ; clear PORTB pin 0 to a logic 0 (turns the LED off)
call delay ; call the delay so that the LED stays off for a while
goto begin ; and now go and do it all again (it will run in a continuos loop)
delay ; here is a nice and simple delay routine
movlw d'255' ; copy the maximum number to our working register (decimal 255)
movwf delay_1 ; and now copy it from the w register to delay_1 and delay_2
movwf delay_2 ; Now the rest of the routine will focus on counting down to zero.
delay_loop ; We come back to this label when we have not yet reached zero.
decfsz delay_1, f ; decrement whatever is in delay_1 by 1 and store the answer back in delay_1
goto delay_loop ; if the answer is not zero, then go back to the delay_loop label. but if the
decfsz delay_2, f ; answer is zero then decrement delay_2 by one and store the answer in delay_2
goto delay_loop ; if the answer is not zero, then go back to delay_loop label. but if the answer
return ; is zero, then we have completed our delay and now we can return to our main program!
end ; We always need to have end at the end, even if we don't want the program
; to actually end, it still must be here!
If I then use this
' Name : BLINK.pbp
' Compiler : PICBASIC PRO Compiler 2.6
' Assembler : PM or MPASM
' Target PIC : 16F or 18F types
' Hardware : Non specific
' Oscillator : internal or external
' Keywords : BLINK LED
' Description : PICBASIC PRO program to to blink an LED connected
' to PORTB.0 about once a second
'The following program is a simple test to blink an LED on and off. Select a
'device in the dropdown list above, then click the Compile Only button on the
'toolbar to compile the program and generate a hex file.
' Configure pins for digital operation (uncomment as needed).
' These settings are intended as simple examples. For more detail,
' see the appropriate device datasheet for register descriptions.
'ANSEL = 000000 ' 16F88, 16F688, 16F690, 16F88x
'ANSELH = 000000 ' 16F690, 16F88x
'ADCON1 = 000111 ' 16F87x, 16F87xA, 18F452
'ADCON1 = 001111 ' 18F4620
LED VAR PORTB.0 ' Assign name "LED" to PORTB.0
High LED ' Turn on LED connected to PORTB.0
Pause 500 ' Delay for .5 seconds
Low LED ' Turn off LED connected to PORTB.0
Pause 500 ' Delay for .5 seconds
Goto mainloop ' Go back to loop and blink LED forever
And program the PIC, it does not work. Initially I thought it was the hookup between PBP and the PICkit2, but even when I dump out the hex file and load that manually into PICkit2 and program the PIC it still does not work.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. At this point I am likely missing something obvious, but I have been trying for so long now my eyes are blurry.
If I use this code in the MPLAB IDE v8.88 and program the PIC16F628A using RB0 as the LED port it works fine. (not my code)
; ;
; PIC Microcontroller Tutorial Template ;
; ;
; By Brad Slattery 2009 ;
; ;
; [email protected] ;
; ;
; 'Designing electronic projects, ;
; to spread the name of Jesus' ;
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
; ;
; NOTE: If you are brand new to programming, then don't concern yourself to ;
; much with all of these initial lines of code. You can read up all about this ;
; at a later date if you wish. I'm sure that you would rather make an LED flash ;
; or make something interesting happen straight away right? ;
; All you have to know for now is that we will be placing our code just underneath ;
; the SETUP label, and then underneath the BEGIN label. it's really quite simple! ;
; ;
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
LIST p=16f628a ; tell assembler what chip we are using (if you are using the 16f628a, then
include "" ; make sure you change this line and the previous line to read p16f628a
__config h'3f18' ; sets the configuration settings - internal oscillator, watchdog timer OFF
; Power Up Timer DISABLED, Master Clear DISABLED, Brown Out Detect DISABLED,
; Low Voltage Programming DISABLED, Data EE Read Protect Disabled,
; Code Protect OFF. (this will remain the same for all tutorials)
PC equ h'02' ; The program counter will be refered to as PC - The program counter is
; a little counter within the microcontroller to let itself know what line number
; it is upto when running a program. We can make the microcontroller jump to a certain
; line number by changing the value stored in PC. (we will do this in a later tutorial)
cblock h'20' ; Within this cblock and endc, we can define our variables. More info on this, later.
delay_1 ; These next two lines will set aside 1byte of ram for delay_1 and 1byte for delay_2
delay_2 ; what we will do with these variables is load them with a number each so that we can
endc ; count down from that number to zero. when we reach zero, we continue with the program!
; more info on these two variables can be found in the delay routine.
org h'0000' ; This line just tells the microcontroller what address to start running our program from.
; It will always be 0000 hex for all the tutorials.
movlw h'07' ; This will turn the comparators OFF.
movwf CMCON ; (we just want to use the ports as digital ports)
bsf STATUS, RP0 ; select bank 1 (to enable us to change the Input / Output status of our ports)
movlw b'00000000' ; set PORTB all outputs (A '0' means output, A '1' means input. We can set each
movwf TRISB ; We can set each bit individualy. Each port having 8-bits or 8 pins.
movlw b'00100000' ; set PORTA all outputs except for bit 5. Bit 5 is an input ONLY pin.
movwf TRISA ; It cannot be set to an output!
bcf STATUS, RP0 ; select bank 0
setup ; I always have a title labeled 'setup' this is where we set everything up
; i.e. our variables and flags etc.. so they are ready for the main program
begin ; This is where our main program starts.
bsf PORTB, 0 ; set PORTB pin 0 to a logic 1 (turns the LED on)
call delay ; call the delay so that the LED stays on for a while
bcf PORTB, 0 ; clear PORTB pin 0 to a logic 0 (turns the LED off)
call delay ; call the delay so that the LED stays off for a while
goto begin ; and now go and do it all again (it will run in a continuos loop)
delay ; here is a nice and simple delay routine
movlw d'255' ; copy the maximum number to our working register (decimal 255)
movwf delay_1 ; and now copy it from the w register to delay_1 and delay_2
movwf delay_2 ; Now the rest of the routine will focus on counting down to zero.
delay_loop ; We come back to this label when we have not yet reached zero.
decfsz delay_1, f ; decrement whatever is in delay_1 by 1 and store the answer back in delay_1
goto delay_loop ; if the answer is not zero, then go back to the delay_loop label. but if the
decfsz delay_2, f ; answer is zero then decrement delay_2 by one and store the answer in delay_2
goto delay_loop ; if the answer is not zero, then go back to delay_loop label. but if the answer
return ; is zero, then we have completed our delay and now we can return to our main program!
end ; We always need to have end at the end, even if we don't want the program
; to actually end, it still must be here!
If I then use this
' Name : BLINK.pbp
' Compiler : PICBASIC PRO Compiler 2.6
' Assembler : PM or MPASM
' Target PIC : 16F or 18F types
' Hardware : Non specific
' Oscillator : internal or external
' Keywords : BLINK LED
' Description : PICBASIC PRO program to to blink an LED connected
' to PORTB.0 about once a second
'The following program is a simple test to blink an LED on and off. Select a
'device in the dropdown list above, then click the Compile Only button on the
'toolbar to compile the program and generate a hex file.
' Configure pins for digital operation (uncomment as needed).
' These settings are intended as simple examples. For more detail,
' see the appropriate device datasheet for register descriptions.
'ANSEL = 000000 ' 16F88, 16F688, 16F690, 16F88x
'ANSELH = 000000 ' 16F690, 16F88x
'ADCON1 = 000111 ' 16F87x, 16F87xA, 18F452
'ADCON1 = 001111 ' 18F4620
LED VAR PORTB.0 ' Assign name "LED" to PORTB.0
High LED ' Turn on LED connected to PORTB.0
Pause 500 ' Delay for .5 seconds
Low LED ' Turn off LED connected to PORTB.0
Pause 500 ' Delay for .5 seconds
Goto mainloop ' Go back to loop and blink LED forever
And program the PIC, it does not work. Initially I thought it was the hookup between PBP and the PICkit2, but even when I dump out the hex file and load that manually into PICkit2 and program the PIC it still does not work.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. At this point I am likely missing something obvious, but I have been trying for so long now my eyes are blurry.