View Full Version : Using Walter's Servo PWM encode / decode code

- 1st November 2012, 23:17
I have an application similar this (http://www.picbasic.co.uk/forum/content.php?r=203-PWM-Servo-PWM-encode-decode). Based on the readings from 3 channels (1, 3 and 5) of a FutabaR617FS receiver I need to decide if I should output one receiver channel (3) or an artificially generated servo output or a mix of the two.

It seems to me that most of the work was magnificently done by Walter in his “Servo PWM encode / decode) project published in the Wiki section(Thank you Walter for sharing) so I’m studying his code to see how much I can use for my project.

My tools are PBP 2.47 and MCS 2.3.0, target PIC is PIC16F819(I’m familiar with it, I have a bunch of them left from other projects and I need more I/Os). I’m using U2 USB programmer. I will start using the same chip Walter used (PIC12F683) just to get things started and understand his approach.

I’m sure I can handle the PBP part but assembly is a bit too much for my aging gray cells not to mention that there is not too much left when it comes to pulling hair.http://www.picbasic.co.uk/forum/images/icons/icon7.png

It will be a great help if somebody could answer few questions for me:

· If I use the code as it is published will I have access to the channels 1 – 4 pulse width values?
· Is the system automatically outputting in the background the mirror signals of channels 1 – 4?
· What will be the real reading value (number) for one channel that has a 1.5 ms pulse width?
· If I do not need to deal with reverse or centering of the channels can I just use something like: Channel_x_pulse_width = Last_falling_edge – Last_rising_edge to get a number between 1 and 2 ms? (I’m having hard time understanding the tempword /adj approach).

I’m planning on building the prototype board so any input that stops me from wasting resources will be appreciated.

