View Full Version : My code is ugly

- 10th September 2012, 20:47
I have the below code which is functional, but it bothers me that I can not think of a more elegant way to do what I want. I have a 6 digit 7 segment display that I am trying to us to manually set a long number with. The first 6 digits are the integer and the last 3 are for the decimal value, but it is treated as a long for all math and the decimal is just forced onto the end result for display purposes. Basically I have a flashing digit which I wish to increment with the LEFT button, the RIGHT button will go to the next digit and LEARN will save. When I roll over from 9 to 0 I do not want the value to be changed for any digit other than the one being adjusted. It seems like if I had a function that did the opposite of the DIG command I could just set individual digits.

Again, the code works, but it just seems like a waste of code space especially since I'm dealing with long math and I figured I might as well post here and see if anyone can come up with something more efficient.


if b = 0 then 'integer mode
gosub display_S_Int
gosub send_data
pause 250
out_stream[temp2] = "_" 'flash digit
GoSub send_data
Pause 250
if right = 0 then 'move to next digit
temp2 = temp2 + 1
if temp2 >= 6 then
b = 1
temp2 = 0
if left = 0 then 'change the digt value
if temp2 = 0 then
weightl = weightl + 100000000
if weightl dig 8 = 0 then weightl = weightl -1000000000
if temp2 = 1 then
weightl = weightl + 10000000
if weightl dig 7 = 0 then weightl = weightl -100000000
if temp2 = 2 then
weightl = weightl + 1000000
if weightl dig 6 = 0 then weightl = weightl -10000000
if temp2 = 3 then
weightl = weightl + 100000
if weightl dig 5 = 0 then weightl = weightl -1000000
if temp2 = 4 then
weightl = weightl + 10000
if weightl dig 4 = 0 then weightl = weightl -100000
if temp2 = 5 then
weightl = weightl + 1000
if weightl dig 3 = 0 then weightl = weightl -10000
else 'decimal point mode
gosub display_S_DP
gosub send_data
pause 250
out_stream[temp2] = "_" 'flash digit
GoSub send_data
Pause 250
if right = 0 then 'move to next digit
temp2 = temp2 + 1
if temp2 >= 3 then
b = 0
temp2 = 0
if left = 0 then 'change the digt value
if temp2 = 0 then
weightl = weightl + 100
if weightl dig 2 = 0 then weightl = weightl -1000
if temp2 = 1 then
weightl = weightl + 10
if weightl dig 1 = 0 then weightl = weightl -100
if temp2 = 2 then
weightl = weightl + 1
if weightl dig 0 = 0 then weightl = weightl -10

IF learn = 0 Then GoTo save_S_weight
GoTo change_S_weight

Thanks for taking a look.