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View Full Version : Can someone please provide a proteus module for DAC ??

- 2nd August 2012, 22:15
Can someone be kind enough to provide me a proteus module to operate a DAC. I read few posts and it seems it is not an easy task for someone like me to make one easily as I don't know too much about electronics. All I need is a uC connected to a DAC. I would like to have serial window in which I type the 10 bit number and the DAC outputs the corresponding voltage.

I am sure everyone can use this kind of modular attachment in their proteus designs and check their simulations properly.

- 3rd August 2012, 11:32
Anyone, Please help?
I am only asking this because I find it impossible to provide voltage to my ADC in 1.22mV increments.

- 3rd August 2012, 12:44
What real life parts are you having trouble with? What exactly are you trying to do?

- 3rd August 2012, 13:30
Hi mackrackit, I have developed a circuit in proteus to learn more about ADC which I am trying to simulate. It's just for learning currently what I am doing. I tried using the POT component, but the increments cannot be controlled precisely. I saw Darrel advising in some post to use DAC in the library, but that's way out of my league currently. So I was wondering if someone would be kind enough to create a module in proteus which I can add to my design and connect the output of the created module to my simulation, that way I can have full control over ADC 10 bit range. Having a micro controlling the ADC will be a big benefit as using a mirco and Virtual terminal, any value can just be written in the Virtual terminal (0-4096) as an input to the micro and the micro can make the ADC output the corresponding voltage.

- 3rd August 2012, 14:04
If Darrel does not see this thread you might try contacting him directly.

I do not use SIMs, that is why I ask about the real life parts. Do you have a bread-board?

- 3rd August 2012, 14:19

I dont use sims either but why dont you connect a signal generator and feed the signal to an

--R --- R ---

low pass filter and after that you should have a DC level that adjusted by the amplitude from the signal generator. If you use PWM signal it should be linear.

- 3rd August 2012, 18:31
Thanks jumper, what you are saying is at a much higher level than I can understand. I really would like someone with expertise in proteus to help me.

- 3rd August 2012, 19:25
I tried with DAC_10 device under Modelling Primitives, I don't know if I am doing it right, but I connected D0-9 bus to 10 dip switch array. VRef+ to +5V and - to Gnd. Changing the DIP switch position is not changing the output voltage, which is staying as constant 0V. I tried connecting LE pin to +ve & ground both but no luck.

- 3rd August 2012, 23:40
Did you label the blue bus (just outside the chip) with d[0..9], and label all the individual lines from the dip switch that go to the blue bus ( d0, d1 ...)

Darrel Taylor
- 8th August 2012, 02:50
Here's an example that gives two 12-bit analog voltages using a DAC.
A Virtual Terminal is used to set the voltages.
