View Full Version : Compile problems with simple RF remote control example

- 17th July 2012, 02:07
Hello all, its been a while since I've done any coding and I have a project where this simple RF remote control code would work perfectly. For right now I'm trying to compile the code as-is for the 12F635 but have a few problems. I changed the config fuses to work with MPASM, and fixed a few typos (MCLR_OFF is wrong and MCLRE_OFF is correct). Anyhow here is the example project http://www.picbasic.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?t=12554

The error is generated with MPLAB 8.85 and PBP 2.60 and is as follows

ERROR: Unable to execute mpasmwin.Error[113] C:\PBP\PBPPIC14.LIB 449 : Symbol not previously defined (IOC)
Error[113] C:\PBP\PBPPIC14.LIB 463 : Symbol not previously defined (IOC)
Error[113] C:\PBP\PBPPIC14.LIB 477 : Symbol not previously defined (IOC)
Error[113] C:\PBP\PBPPIC14.LIB 491 : Symbol not previously defined (IOC)
Error[113] C:\PBP\PBPPIC14.LIB 896 : Symbol not previously defined (IOC)

Any ideas what is causing this? Here is the code

'************************************************* ***************
'* Name : DEC.BAS *
'* Author : B. Reynolds *
'* Notice : Copyright (c) 2009 Reynolds Electronics *
'* : All Rights Reserved *
'* Date : 11/15/2009 *
'* Version : 1.0 (Momentary decoder version) *
'* : USING THE PIC12F635 *
'************************************************* ***************

DEFINE NO_CLRWDT 1 ' Watchdog timer is disabled, so we don't need to reset it
DEFINE INTHAND RESET_VT ' Interrrupt on Timer1 overflow to reset outputs in 65.5mS
' if no serial data received in this time period
SYMBOL MODE = GPIO.3 ' baud select. 1=4800, 0=2400
SYMBOL D_IN = GPIO.5 ' Encoder data input pin
SYMBOL TMR1IF = PIR1.0 ' Timer1 overflow interrupt flag (reset in int handler)
SYMBOL TMR1IE = PIE1.0 ' Timer1 interrupt enable bit

'Variables for saving state in interrupt handler
wsave VAR BYTE $70 system ' Saves W
ssave VAR BYTE bank0 system ' Saves STATUS
psave VAR BYTE bank0 system ' Saves PCLATH
fsave VAR BYTE bank0 system ' Saves FSR

' Working variables
MATCH VAR BYTE bank0 system ' Match variable
DAT_IN1 VAR BYTE ' 1st Data byte
DAT_IN2 VAR BYTE ' 2nd Data byte for verify
CHK_SUM VAR BYTE ' Holds checksum received
CheckSum VAR BYTE ' Checksum of data bytes received
BAUD VAR WORD ' Holds baud rate

' Constants
Synch CON "~" ' 01111110 synch byte
N2400 CON 16780 ' 2400 bps inverted
N4800 CON 16572 ' 4800 bps inverted

' hardware init
GPIO = 0 ' Clear outputs on power-up
TRISIO = %00101000 ' GPIO.5=data input, GPIO.3=baud select input
WPUDA = 0 ' Disable weak pull-ups
IOC = 0 ' Interrupt on change disabled
VRCON = 0 ' Comparator Vref disabled
CMCON0 = 7 ' Disable comparators
OSCCON = %01100000 ' Internal 4MHz select
OPTION_REG = 128 ' Pull-ups off

' Setup Timer1 for resets after ~65.5mS
T1CON = %00000000 ' Internal clock, 1:1 prescale, Timer1 off for now
TMR1L = 0
TMR1H = 0 ' Timer1 low & high bytes cleared
TMR1IF = 0 ' Clear Timer1 overflow flag before enabling interrupt
TMR1IE = 1 ' Enable Timer1 overflow interrupt
INTCON = %11000000 ' Global & peripheral ints enabled
MATCH = 0 ' Clear match count
GOTO MAIN ' Jump over int handler

movwf wsave ; Save W
swapf STATUS, W ; Swap STATUS to W (swap avoids changing STATUS)
clrf STATUS ; Clear STATUS
movwf ssave ; Save swapped STATUS
movf PCLATH, W ; Move PCLATH to W
movwf psave ; Save PCLATH
movf FSR, W ; Move FSR to W
movwf fsave ; Save FSR

; Do interrupt stuff here
bcf T1CON,TMR1ON ; Stop Timer1
clrf TMR1L ; Clear low byte
clrf TMR1H ; Clear high byte
bcf PIR1,TMR1IF ; Clear Timer1 interrupt flag bit
clrf GPIO ; Clear outputs on button release (or timeout)
clrf MATCH ; Clear match variable

; Restore FSR, PCLATH, STATUS and W registers
movf fsave, W ; retrieve FSR value
movwf FSR ; Restore it to FSR
movf psave, W ; Retrieve PCLATH value
movwf PCLATH ; Restore it to PCLATH
swapf ssave, W ; Get swapped STATUS value (swap to avoid changing STATUS)
movwf STATUS ; Restore it to STATUS
swapf wsave, F ; Swap the stored W value
swapf wsave, W ; Restore it to W (swap to avoid changing STATUS)
bsf T1CON,TMR1ON ; Re-enable Timer1 before exiting interrupt handler
retfie ; Return from the interrupt

' Set data rate
BAUD = N4800
BAUD = N2400

' Fire up Timer1 before entry to serial input routine
T1CON.0 = 1

' at 4MHz Timer1 overflows in 65536 * 1uS (~65.5mS) if no Synch byte
' and serial data arrive on time. SERIN2 timeout & label options
' are useless with a noisy RF receiver output - as noise continually
' resets the timeout period causing it to hang forever.

' Wait for Synch byte, then get new inbound data & checksum

T1CON.0 = 0 ' Stop Timer1 once we've received data
TMR1L = 0 ' Clear low byte
TMR1H = 0 ' Clear high byte

' / **** Begin data validation **** /

' Calculate checksum
CheckSum = DAT_IN1 + DAT_IN2

' Test new checksum against one received in CHK_SUM
IF CheckSum != CHK_SUM THEN MAIN ' Failed checksum, return

' Test data bytes for match
IF DAT_IN1 != DAT_IN2 THEN MAIN ' Failed data comparison, return

MATCH = MATCH + 1 ' We have a match so increment match count
IF MATCH = 2 THEN DECODE ' Everything matched twice, we're good
GOTO Main ' Else do it all over

' Everything looking good - so place new data on outputs

' Place decoded values on port pins..
GPIO = (DAT_IN1 & %00010111)
DAT_IN1 = !DAT_IN2 ' Destroy the match


- 17th July 2012, 03:14
Not sure, but I think you are missing an "A"

WPUDA = 0 ' Disable weak pull-ups
IOCA = 0 ' Interrupt on change disabled
VRCON = 0 ' Comparator Vref disabled

- 18th July 2012, 05:22
Many thanks mackrackit, it compiled cleanly after fixing that typo. Can't believe no one else has tried that sample code.