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View Full Version : Auto Save option in editor

- 4th July 2012, 09:11
Well the title says it all , simular to a word document where the code and any linked include "My.bas" files can be auto saved ( to a temp name ) say 3 copies over a time frame

Yep you guessed it , the computer did a BSOD , and some code was lost , would have been nice if when the editor re-opened it, offered the chance to recover the last auto saved version



- 4th July 2012, 09:46
Well the title says it all , simular to a word document where the code and any linked include "My.bas" files can be auto saved ( to a temp name ) say 3 copies over a time frame

Yep you guessed it , the computer did a BSOD , and some code was lost , would have been nice if when the editor re-opened it, offered the chance to recover the last auto saved version



FineLineIDE (http://www.norm-online.net/FineLineIDE.php) does just that.

FineLineIDE is a 3rd party free IDE.
FineLineIDE uses no registry files so FL can be cut, copied and pasted for upgrades and portability.


- 4th July 2012, 11:00
ok ill check it out , thanks

would like to see the base editor have this option as part of the to do list if it is simple enough

- 4th July 2012, 12:49
Actually there is not a base editor. Some of the old timers still use notepad, I use gedit on Linux, while others use MPLAB. PBP is just a compiler made to use with any text editor.

If you like MicroCodeStudio you will love FineLine.

- 4th July 2012, 18:28
Currently adding bookmarks to FineLineIDE.


- 5th July 2012, 16:11
How about the ability to change the color used for program labels?
(you know the name you give to a certain locations in your code where a "GOTO" would refrence.)

I have been using MCS and wished it would allow you to set the color of program labels (independent of other color settings). Right now the program label colors are tied in to some other text colors.
I would like my program labels to stand out better

Even better would be to choose the color of the lable and also the background color for the label.

can fine line do that? or have you had that suggestion made??

another couple of requests...
The ability to identify any declared variables that are not in use... to help clean up code.
The ability to click on a declared variable and have it highlighted in your code whereever it is in use.


- 5th July 2012, 23:15
How about the ability to change the color used for program labels?
(you know the name you give to a certain locations in your code where a "GOTO" would refrence.)

I have been using MCS and wished it would allow you to set the color of program labels (independent of other color settings). Right now the program label colors are tied in to some other text colors.
I would like my program labels to stand out better

Even better would be to choose the color of the lable and also the background color for the label.

can fine line do that? or have you had that suggestion made??

another couple of requests...
The ability to identify any declared variables that are not in use... to help clean up code.
The ability to click on a declared variable and have it highlighted iwhereverde whereever it is in use.

The Delphi Synedit highlighter requires the highlighted terms to be determined at time of the compile of FineLineIDE so: no, FL can't color lables.
I could and plan on matching the lables upper/lower case however.

Identifing unused vars is a good idea and I will make note of it for future versions of FL.

I plan on adding a find and replace which would display all the lines of code which contain the find/search term and perhaps the subroutines in which they are located especailly as "basic" dosn't utilize local variables so more care is required in the reuse of variables.

I think for more discussion of FL posts should be made to the FL thread. (http://www.picbasic.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?t=14100)
