View Full Version : MPLAB X, PBP3(demo) and DT-Int

- 29th April 2012, 18:46
I try to setup PICKIT3, MPLAB X, PBP3(demo) and it works...
Then I try DT-Int hello world program and when I compile code with this line:
result is:

make -f nbproject/Makefile-default.mk SUBPROJECTS= .build-conf
make[1]: Entering directory `D:/projects/Test 1/mplab/Test.X'
make -f nbproject/Makefile-default.mk dist/default/production/Test.X.production.hex
make[2]: Entering directory `D:/projects/Test 1/mplab/Test.X'
gnumkdir -p build/default/production
"C:\PBP3\pbpx.exe" -ampasmx -n -c -k# -v -os -p18lf46k80 TestPBP.pbp
PICBASIC PRO(TM) Compiler, (c) 1998, 2011 microEngineering Labs, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
Pass 1:
C:\PBP3\DEVICES\PIC18LF46K80.PBPINC (556) MSG: LONG Variables enabled (PBPL used)
Pass 2:
Code Gen:
Macro Pass:
mpasmx /o- /s "D:\projects\Test 1\mplab\Test.X\TestPBP.ASM"
COFF Pass:
gnumkdir -p dist/default/production
cp TestPBP.HEX dist/default/production/Test.X.production.hex
cp TestPBP.COF dist/default/production/Test.X.production.cof
rm -f TestPBP.COF
make[2]: Leaving directory `D:/projects/Test 1/mplab/Test.X'
make[1]: Leaving directory `D:/projects/Test 1/mplab/Test.X'

If I comment that line then it is ok..

BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 4s)
Loading D:/projects/Test 1/mplab/Test.X/dist/default/production/Test.X.production.hex...
Loading D:/projects/Test 1/mplab/Test.X/dist/default/production/Test.X.production.cof...
Loading completed

- 29th April 2012, 19:12
I found what it cause that errors...
In DT_INTS-18.bas there are several ENDASM ASM...
So when compiler found first it create label Z00029 then at next ENDASM ASM create label Z00029A, Z00029B and that cause duplicate label...

Darrel Taylor
- 29th April 2012, 20:15
That may have temporarilly solved your errors, but that is not the full problem.

Please use this version of DT_INT-18 with MPLAB-X.
http://support.melabs.com/threads/110 (http://support.melabs.com/threads/110-MPLABX-DT_INTS-18.bas-error?p=415&viewfull=1#post415)

Actually, don't use MPLAB-X. There are still too many bugs.
Stick with MPLAB 8, and wait a year or 2. Maybe they'll work them out.

- 29th April 2012, 21:26
Thanks Darrel...
This is first time that I'm trying to use MPLAB-X. And I'm only trying to see how debugger works... And probably last time that I'll use...
MCS is my favorite choice. I didn't try MCS plus, and its debugger, but I will...

- 1st May 2012, 10:45
Hi, Darrel

I got a little Headache with MPLABX :

my program uses DT interrupts and a modified version of Elapsed INT. for external osc.

'************************************************* ****************************
'************************************************* ****************************
INCLUDE "ReEnterPBP-18.bas"
INCLUDE "Elapsed_INT-18_ExtOsc.bas" ; Elapsed Timer Routines

Compiling fine with MPLAB 8.84 ...

But, With MPLABX, I get the " Unable to open INCLUDE file Elapsed_INT-18_ExtOsc.bas " message ... ( the three include files are in the same folder )

IF I replace the third file by " Elapsed_INT-18.bas " ( the genuine file ) ... Compilation starts and then occur the " double definition error " - quite normal to the day -

Ok, let's call "Elapsed...ExtOsc" as "ELAPSED_INT-19.BAS" .

WARNING: Unable to open INCLUDE file ELAPSED_INT-19.BAS.

soooo, what might I understand ???

Not to use MPLABX, Ok ... obvious ! ... BUT ...
