View Full Version : read command of EEprom errors

- 16th April 2012, 07:34
Hi guys ,

this bit of code is giving some strange results when i look at the values loaded into the test Variable STDByteTmp which i cant explain and solve

the code is to read the values stored on the eeprom into a varable pointed to by V

what is happening is that V is counting ok and reading the values of location 1 and 2 correctly into STDbyteTmp , but as V counts to 3, it appears to load the value stored at location 3 ( $7 ) into V and then V goes to value of 8 and i cant see why this the case.

all the variables are defined as byte and i can see the data in the eeprom is correct

can someone tell me why this is the case



DATA @1,$9,$8,$7,$6 ' stores these values from location 1 to the eeprom at programming time

For V = 1 to 4
read V,STDByte(V) ' read from location 1 - 4 data byte
STDByteTmp = STDByte(V) ' get into temp var for testing
next V

- 16th April 2012, 12:25
well found the problem after a lot of playing , the variable STDByte did not have number of elements defined for an array variable