View Full Version : SPI support

- 6th March 2012, 20:54
The Features (http://pbp3.com/features?source=menubarFeatures) page on the PBP3 web page says Synchronous Serial including I2C and SPI but I can find nothing in the online manual about SPI.

I have upgraded to PBP3 Gold but have yet to install it. Support for SPI was a factor in deciding to upgrade. Have I wasted my money?

- 6th March 2012, 21:09
Hi Dave,
I suspect they're talking about SHIFTIN/SHIFTOUT (for SPI) and I2CIN/I2COUT for I2C.

There's no support for hardware (MSSP module) driven synchronous communication (like it is for the (E)USART with HSERIN/HSEROUT), however it's not very hard to do "manually", at least not SPI. It seems a bit more complicated to set the MSSP module up for I2C but I've never actually done it so...


- 7th March 2012, 01:47

I suspect you're right but the page does say Built-In Commands for operations common to embedded development and the line I quoted above is included beneath that heading. There are I2CRead and I2CWrite commands but none for SPI.

I think it's extremely misleading and I'm disappointed. But, as they already have my money, my disappointment probably doesn't matter much.

PICAXE does have commands for both I2C and SPI on the newer chips with PLL so I may have to try that.

Darrel Taylor
- 7th March 2012, 03:58
I think it's extremely misleading and I'm disappointed. But, as they already have my money, my disappointment probably doesn't matter much.
Of course it matters.
If you are truly unhappy with your purchase ... give us a call.
The phone number is on the home page http://melabs.com

There are I2CRead and I2CWrite commands but none for SPI.
It's not obvious at first, but like Henrik said ... SHIFTIN/SHIFTOUT are for SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface).