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View Full Version : A 9 station automatic water sprinkler

- 4th March 2012, 17:41
This system works with a LDR, which senses when the sun comes up, and then starts the sprinkler program. You can set each station's time span to open the valve with a pot. There is a manual over ride button to let the program run through the 9 stations. There is also a switch for every day or every second day watering.
The way the program works; after the LDR sensed the sun coming up and all the stations had their turn, the program goes into a counting mode where almost nothing can interrupt it but the manual over ride button. Its the only way I could keep it busy so that it does not trigger again by the sun light, so it keeps on counting until deep into the night and then waits for the next day.
Attached are the schematic, PCB lay out and basic program.
If you try it let me know how it is