View Full Version : Bad 16f88

- 4th March 2012, 02:00
Hello All,
I recently reported that I have several 16f88 chips that are "locked up". I am still looking for a solution, if there is one. I am using the QL 200 development board and QL Prog, its programmer.
Upon one suggestion I looked for a way to change the VDD in the fuses section, but I see no way of changing it. Maybe if I had a different program to take the place of QL Prog it would work?
Well I tried PonyProg with no luck. Any ideas before I throw these into the trash? Thanks for viewing. !!

- 4th March 2012, 02:43
Were they previously programmed for a commercial product? They may be code protected.

- 4th March 2012, 02:49
No, these were new chips that I entered some simple code into and they froze. This is what I entered,

' Timer countdown test
trisa = 0
porta = 0
I var byte
for I = 1 to 2000
porta.0 = 1
pause 5000
goto Start

- 4th March 2012, 03:19
No, these were new chips that I entered some simple code into and they froze. This is what I entered,

' Timer countdown test
trisa = 0
porta = 0
I var byte
for I = 1 to 2000
porta.0 = 1
pause 5000
goto Start

Why you say its locked?
That code posted don't do nothing, did the code compile without errors? Because its missing the "next" of the "for" command!

- 4th March 2012, 04:22
not only that but, where are you turning off the port bit?

- 4th March 2012, 06:03
You are both right, made a error when I posted. HERE is what I entered:
the purpose of the whole program is to give me a visual indication of how long it takes to the chip to execute a loop and count down. I need this info for setting timing on portions of my programs. Hope this makes sense. P.S. my setup may not be correct but I'm an old geezer.

' Timer countdown test
trisa = 0
porta = 0
I var byte
for I = 1 to 2000
next I
porta.0 = 1
pause 5000

- 4th March 2012, 06:11
Update, I just realized that (I) should be a VAR WORD, since it will be over 255. Thanks for your input guys but the problem remains that I still cannot program these chips that talked about.

' Timer countdown test
trisa = 0
porta = 0
I var word
for I = 1 to 2000
next I
porta.0 = 1
pause 5000

- 4th March 2012, 10:49
Your posted code has several problems, beginning with the lack of capitalization for the register names.
Do you intend it to turn PORTA.0 to a one and nothing else? If so, why delay?

Your issue is likely with the configuration bits. Please post your code for configuration...

- 4th March 2012, 11:09
I have run to this many times. I used my Pickit2(tm) to erase the pic and then is was ok.

- 4th March 2012, 17:51
I posted the solution in your other thread have you tried it?

- 5th March 2012, 05:42
Charlie, please refer to post #6 above, I use this to set the timing of some of my programs. I know my Cap. is off, just posting an experiment, Thanks for responding.

- 5th March 2012, 21:33
I tried your solution Rep. butthere is no way for me to change vdd in QLprog.

- 6th March 2012, 06:36
You need another programmer then.


- 6th March 2012, 06:51
Well Res, I'm using a development board, instead of just a stand-alone programmer. Your right though, I wish I had gone with the EasyPic 5 or 6. I think that you could choose 3.3 or 5v vdd on EasyPic development boards. Thanks for reply.