View Full Version : Recieve decimal with HSERIN

- 12th February 2012, 03:21
I'm trying to get a decimal number to show up from PC. Nothing shows up with the DEC in front of setemp, but if I take that DEC out I get the ascii characters.

Include "modedefs.bas"
INCLUDE "DT_INTS-14.bas" ' Base Interrupt System
include "ReEnterPBP.bas"
DEFINE HSER_RCSTA 90h ' Enable serial port & continuous receive
DEFINE HSER_TXSTA 20h ' Enable transmit, BRGH = 0
DEFINE HSER_CLROERR 1 ' Clear overflow automatically
DEFINE HSER_SPBRG 25 ' 19200 Baud @ 8MHz, 0.16%
BAUDCTL.3 = 1 ' Enable 16 bit baudrate generator

define OSC 8
DEFINE ADC_BITS 8 ' Set A/D for 10-bit operation
DEFINE ADC_CLOCK 3 ' Set A/D clock Fosc/8
DEFINE ADC_SAMPLEUS 50 ' Set A/D sampling time @ 50 uS

INT_LIST macro ; IntSource, Label, Type, ResetFlag?
INT_Handler RX_INT, _Receive, PBP, yes
INT_CREATE ; Creates the interrupt processor

INT_ENABLE RX_INT ; enable external (INT) interrupts


'SETUP REGISTERS---------------------------------------------------------------
TRISA=%001111 'RA0,RA1,RA2,RA3 inputs
ANSEL=%00110000 'AN4,AN5 Analog In, rest digital
ANSELH=$00 'All pins digital out
TRISB=$00 'All pins output
TRISC=%00000011 'All pins output,RC0,RC1 input
CM1CON0.7=0 'Shut off comparators
CM2CON0.7=0 'Shut off comparators
ADCON0.7=0 'Right justify a/d result

'SETUP VARIABLES---------------------------------------------------------------
'A/D on PORTC.0 'AN4
'A/D on PORTC.1 'AN5
Reset var PORTA.3 ' Reset chip
LedR var PORTA.5
LedG var PORTB.6
Fanon var PORTC.2
tempc var PORTB.7
Menu0 var PORTA.2 ' Menu button
Uptemp var PORTA.0 ' Raise temprature
Dntemp var PORTA.1 ' Lower Temprature
Menupdn var PORTB.4 ' Move through menu
samples VAR WORD ' Multiple A/D sample accumulator up
samples1 var word ' Multiple A/D sample accumulator down
sample VAR BYTE ' Holds number of samples to take up
sample1 var byte ' Holds number of samples to take down
tempout VAR word ' Temperature storage up
tempin var word ' Temperature storage down
temp var word ' Set temprature
setemp var word
counter var byte
counter1 var byte
samples = 0 ' Clear samples accumulator on power-up
samples1=0 ' Clear samples accumulator on power-up

read 0,setemp
if temp=255 then Defaultemp

write 0,setemp
hserout ["PUMP CONTROLLER",13,10]
hserout ["VERSION 1.00",13,10]
pause 3000

gosub Getad
gosub seroutPC
if tempout>setemp then fan
high ledr
pause 500
low ledr
pause 500
samples = 0 ' Clear old sample accumulator
goto Main

high fanon
while tempout>setemp
gosub getad
gosub seroutPC
samples = 0 ' Clear old sample accumulator
low fanon
goto main

FOR sample = 1 TO 5 ' Take 5 samples
ADCIN 4, tempout ' Read channel 0 into temp variable
samples = samples + tempout ' Accumulate 10 samples
PAUSE 250 ' Wait approximately 1/4 seconds per loop
NEXT sample
tempout = samples/5
tempout = tempout
FOR sample1 = 1 TO 5 ' Take 5 samples
ADCIN 5, tempin ' Read channel 0 into temp variable
samples1 = samples1 + tempin ' Accumulate 10 samples
PAUSE 250 ' Wait approximately 1/4 seconds per loop
NEXT sample1
tempin = samples1/5
tempin = tempin

hserout ["OUT Temp:",#tempout," DegF",13,10]
hserout ["IN Temp:",#tempin," DegF",13,10]

hserin 500,Moveon,[dec setemp]
hserout [dec setemp,13,10]
'high ledg
'pause 750
'low ledg
'pause 750
write 0,setemp
high ledg
pause 750
low ledg
pause 750

Darrel Taylor
- 12th February 2012, 03:29
Is the decimal value followed by a non-numeric character?

DEC needs one to know when it reached the end of the number.
If it's a fixed width number, you can use DEC3 or similar and it will stop looking for a number after the specified number of digits.

From a terminal program, pressing enter (carriage return - 13) is enough.
From any other program, you can use any other non-numeric character.

- 12th February 2012, 03:43
Follow the decimal value with non-numeric character & it works great. Thanks Darrel