View Full Version : Looking for USB Bootloader

- 29th November 2011, 15:32
Hello All,
I have visited several older posts about bootloaders but did not find anything current. I am looking for a USB bootloader for PIC18F2550- 20mhz crystal. I have several working examples of the CDC and HID USB applications found here on the forum. I have a project I am working on for a client that will need updates and i'd like to blow them away by having a bootloader app that they can upload the changes instead of having to bring the device back to me whenever a change is needed..
Does anyone have or is using one they'd be willing to share? I would like to just get something that works and start using right away. I don't want to modify the C18 code or anything like that so I can keep on developing and not spend time troubleshooting.
Thank you in advance for your time,

- 29th November 2011, 15:48

- 3rd December 2011, 06:57
I played with the Microcohip USB bootloader but never (quickly) got it to work to where I'd willingly demonstrate to a customer. Since, even when using direct USB connections I always leave the RX and TX pins open and run them to a 3 or 4 pin header. Then I put the mating connector on one of these (http://search.digikey.com/us/en/products/TTL-232R-5V-WE/768-1029-ND/2003494) (they come in 3.3V as well) and have a USB bootloader that works perfectly. There is a setting on the PC that needs changed for it to work correctly (I want to say it's the minimum latency time or something like that--I'd have to look it up--but you only have to do that once.

Not sure that's really the kind of solution you're looking for, though.

Best Regards,

- 5th December 2011, 15:05
Thanks both of you for your help. I believe I will just use a usb-rs232 chip and the TinyBootloader, was hoping someone had a user friendly version of a bootloader for a 18F2550 since it's USB capable and figured that might be easier. but for $7 dollars or less I can have the usb-rs232 interface and not spend any more time on this part.

- 6th December 2011, 06:49
Have you looked at this one (http://www.protonbasic.co.uk/content.php/2097-A-Custom-USB-Bootloader-for-PDS-FILES)?
I've got no part in its development and I haven't tried it. If you do try it, let us know how it goes please.
